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Mad McCann

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Status Replies posted by Mad McCann

  1. Throats like the bottom of a parrot's cage tonight. As much fun as an Indian dinner with Nigel Farage...

  2. I need to buy some more tinfoil, this hat's broken...

  3. I have a job interveriw tommorow that is being done over the phone.

  4. Tube strike has recompense, sat on 205 routemaster

  5. Has so##ing Bird Flu (again). Pah!

  6. Has so##ing Bird Flu (again). Pah!

  7. does anyone have any 22mm romford or 22.68mm markits drivers kicking about please?

  8. An O gauge 20 and two OO 40s getting thoroughly dirtmonkeyed here tonight!

  9. ..has now lost the corporate will to live. I will now no longer point out flaws/advantages with my line managers (obvious from above) instructions. I will just respond with “yes dear” which has served me, (domestically), so will for years...

  10. Im frezzing this box has no heating

  11. What are these 'Kayleigh 0-6-0s and 4-4-0s' the video narrators speak of? Apparently they were common in Scotland but I've yet to see one. Where they used on Fish traffic or something?

  12. Saskatchewan - hard to spell, easy to draw.

  13. What are these 'Kayleigh 0-6-0s and 4-4-0s' the video narrators speak of? Apparently they were common in Scotland but I've yet to see one. Where they used on Fish traffic or something?

  14. The BBC Have done it again....Desmond Carrington went, and was replaced by "Sounds of the 50s" which was kind of in keeping with the former programmes ethos and audiance...BUT now they have brought in Tony Blackburn and the "Golden Hour". Now this DJ Top Of The Pops Style programme is a completly different programme...We have had to re-tune away from Radio 2....which is really now Radio 1 and a half....The BBC chasing the youth audience have sold out again

  15. is discovering the works of Adolph von Menzel. Incredible. #germanrealist #art

  16. "...and the story it told of a river that flowed made me sad to think it was dead..."

  17. I had forgotten about squeaky snow.

  18. Nod to Donald Campbell - gone 50 years ago today.

  19. Bill Bedford sprung axleguards on the HR Jones van, Giesl ejector recess created on the Austerity. Small steps in an evening but positive ones in the right direction. :-)

  20. Speaking of grumpy ######! Top of my ‘p*sses me off list’ are the w*nkers who go to MacDonald’s/KFC/pizza spots (delete as appropriate) and then chuck the remains/litter out of the car window. T**sers!!!! Feel better now!

  21. Okay, Stirlin', oot the car!

  22. Okay, Stirlin', oot the car!

  23. So Hatton's are giving away a 14xx in a facebook competition is it wrong that my first consideration about entering was "what can I cut it up into"

  24. There's coffee in the ballast grinder

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