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Mad McCann

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Status Replies posted by Mad McCann

  1. Monarch of the glen train set, brand new for £50, bargain?

  2. The greater good....

  3. Enjoyed my visit to Model Rail Scotland

  4. Chilling in my 1960s style ball chair

  5. Once more unto the loft, dear friends, once more

  6. My Certificate came through, I am now an IRSE Engineering Technician registered with the Engineering Council! :)

  7. Has noticed the return to our screens of Juan Sheet...

  8. SS GB . Let the controversy begin.

  9. Bah - have just been 'sniped' on Ebay!!

  10. Predict the Past

  11. The presidents brain is missing...

  12. A man walks into a bar, and says ouch.

  13. Contemplating hopes and dreams of a new age.

  14. Yep Ronseal varnish definitely is the best for a gloss finish on a model.

  15. Yep Ronseal varnish definitely is the best for a gloss finish on a model.

  16. Been painting a 7mm BR blue Duchess and a 4mm Glasgow Standard 'Caur' today. :-)

  17. Took a day off from the business and got on with bridge building, yes an actual bridge not just talking to folk.

  18. Having the dubious pleasure of fitting Gibson wheels to a chassis determined to stab me to death. Haven't had this much fun since the time I fell into a barrel of marmite then accidentally wandered into the Hyena enclosure at Edinburgh zoo...

  19. I've a brother of sorts in Torquemada........

  20. Heart attacks can slow you down

  21. Three shades of yellow....

  22. Welcome to Cumbria. Police look after car for some who has taken ill, other officers don't know about it and get the army to blow it up! Mastercard moment http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-cumbria-38838653

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