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Mad McCann

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Status Replies posted by Mad McCann

  1. Drowing in a sea of Coronations and H Classes

  2. Manflu stops play

  3. I appear to have re-discovered Yes in a very nice way!

  4. I appear to have re-discovered Yes in a very nice way!

  5. I appear to have re-discovered Yes in a very nice way!

  6. I appear to have re-discovered Yes in a very nice way!

  7. Screen No 9 for my 4-year old phone on the way...

  8. Shame the Peco Bullhead thread has been locked... don't know where to go for my daily stress relief now. :(

  9. I have done absolutely nothing of real use today except walk the dog. I don't care either...

  10. Lex Parsimoniae

  11. I'm looking forward to returning to part time working in a couple of weeks. Finally I'll have time for some quality modelling and tidying my gaff which looks currently as if the the Guardia Civile dropped by for a cuppa...

  12. Phil Holman - An independent Scottish modeller

  13. Just had flu jab and is now getting flu....that's not what I wanted.

  14. The Trojan and his Horse.

  15. "...If you tolerate this then your children will be next..."

  16. Well, Fiona is incandescent with rage...... Not at me you understand but at the blxxdy Automobile Association. We cancelled the auto renewal with the AA because the renewal premium was over the top and guess what? They took the money anyway. We phoned the bank and apparently the AA can do that because we gave them permission to do that. We've also had a similar thing last year with ASDA who would not close an account that was used once for a home delivery which all went wrong and we didn...

  17. Whats the earliest possible OO modelled DMU unit out there

  18. seems to recall a yard stacked with freshly-produced ceramic toilet bowls in Stoke-on-Trent.

  19. Which is better: frozen in the space between planetary systems, or crushed by Saturn's atmospheric pressure?

  20. That Barclay has got me thinking whether it's actually worth continuing in EM...

  21. A railwaymans film..

  22. Watching Quadrophenia last night about mods and rockers in the 1960s and in the scene where the main protagonist is laying in bed after a heavy night and his mum comes in and opens the curtains just in time to see and HST going by outside

  23. has just listened to 'pop master' on R2 and the winner was a Mr David Lane of Aylesbury. Was it our own 'David Bigcheeseplant'?

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