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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. Mad World - Tears for Fears Changed because my first offering was too twee. Guess what it was?
  2. I would have thought that Bear would have dived head-first into the cake, sending it flying everywhere, rather than bother with trying to manipulate it with a mouth held implement... It would also have made a more dramatic picture!
  3. Amazing! You still have Dunnymen!
  4. Going completely wide of the beam, there's an interesting story on the BBC news website about Trump supporters (must make it clear that it isn't "official") creating deepfake AI images linking Trump to black voters. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-68440150 One interesting photo https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-68440150 Perhaps "extra arms" are an attempt by the AI generator to label images as generated?
  5. Got to be done... Hotel California - The Eagles
  6. The tenor of the Mirror front page this morning. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/blogs-the-papers-68464778 As for the Personal Allowance, I got a brown from DWP a couple of weeks ago, informing me that the current state pension consumes most of my tax allowance, and the rest of my pension will be prey to the Inland Revenue. I then got another brown from DWP detailing the state pension increases from April. Government ClawBack to fund the fatcat bribes. As Bear would say, DEFINITELY A RANT!
  7. I think a lot of us here would appreciate a mere rise in Personal Tax Allowances* in the coming Budget. The Government seems to think that "tax cuts" will be more acceptable as an election bribe... * They've been frozen since time immemorial
  8. Cooked and bottled. Still tastes like the life of earthworms.... I've driven across many an open field, according to my satnav. "Turn around where possible"... Then it suddenly discovers its on the road it thought it should be on. The fun starts when it tries to direct you off the obvious route, down some twisty "white" roads, because they cut a corner and can apparently be proceeded down at 60mph to save 5 minutes. Then it really sulks when you ignore it... ps According to the papers this morning, Chas and Camm are going to visit your fair isle...
  9. I suppose it all depends on how much beetroot you intend to eat at one sitting? I don't eat beetroot anyhow, it tastes like a mouthfull of earth!
  10. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Don't think so. At its original £217.99 I expect.... If its unopened, I wonder who the vendor "borrowed" the illustrations from? Apparently they've either got TWO, or are trying to sell it twice... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/335276343120 At least they haven't worked out how to inflict the AI descriptor on potential buyers. Yet.....
  11. They go out early and leave their towels on the tables? 🤔 🤪
  12. That must hurt....
  13. Looks like he's found the Lost Chord! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fdEF-Fcm9CM
  14. Is that a primordial soup? 🤔
  15. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Shhhhhh...... You're not supposed to tell anybody about it!
  16. Hroth

    EBay madness

    For an O gauge brake van, it's only £8 more than Dapol charge factory fresh. https://www.Dapol.co.uk/products/7f-200-013-o-gauge-br-20t-brake-van-b954781-grey-coal-sector-car Its O gauge, what do you expect?
  17. It was after she looked funnily at his Valkyries....
  18. I'd heard of Wahoonie fruit before, but I never knew people sold them openly....
  19. Pavlovian conditioning at work! Verstappen has Leclerc well trained...
  20. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Perhaps the prices are related to how recently a bill to repair his precious cars has come in?
  21. In other words, he wants Mr Bean to continue winning, and that will (in his own estimation), only be possible if he, Old Mr Bean, can throw his weight and "influence" about more effectively without the Ginger Whinger muddying the waters. Let the Verstappen Money Making Machine roll on and prosper!
  22. 'tis the Sign of Eight, the abode of the cursed Bel Shamharoth, the Soul Eater! ION Its dull, coldish and grey out. But at least its not RAINING! In fact, the sun has come out!
  23. Apparently the publicity AND the scripts were all generated using ChatGPT. The only "originality" was in dreaming up the Experience in the first place...
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