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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. I might have had chips with my quiche too, but my mouth is still tender after my visit to the dentist last Thursday... So mushy peas* it was! * The alternative was baked beans, but I was mindful of greenhouse gasses...
  2. Quiche Lorraine and Mushy Peas. What's not to like? 🤪
  3. @bbishop The modern Sgt Major bawls "YOU NAUGHTY PERSON, YOU!" at the quaking squaddie...
  4. "Faulty" because it was missing a sax mouthpiece?
  5. I'd heard about the 'Nam link, I suppose it makes sense, you need to close wounds quickly in a humid jungle environment to prevent nasty little insects laying eggs in open wounds...
  6. Use the drip rate as a "water" clock! The trouble with superglue is you have to be careful not to weld your fingers to the cut one, holding the wound closed...
  7. Go to A&E and wait for several hours. By time you get seen it should have stopped dripping all over the floor...
  8. Or arrange to meet face to face. Oh wait... 🤪
  9. Yeti had it's 13th birthday this month, 44k miles on the clock, all done by me... I don't do a lot of driving!
  10. One of the reasons for not having an iPhone, I suppose, though Android phones are almost as opaque. My new Samsung tablet is similar, it moithered on about how often I used the device ( "You've used your tablet for 12 more minutes than last week"), its almost as if they don't want you to use it, though it was easy to get it to shut up!
  11. Its a ute, it'll get what its given... Just thinking, I need more info. How many litres per mile does it do? 🤔🤪
  12. Back to Black - Amy Winehouse
  13. That red monstrosity is starting to look like a stretch limo...
  14. It'd be rare to find a British petrol station as clean and tidy as that one.... ps Around here, petrol is approx £1.50/litre. How many litres does your Ute need to be filled to the scuppers?
  15. Lay Lady Lay - Bob Dylan
  16. All I had was a 25 pdr field gun. But you could put caps in the breech to make it go bang and matchsticks down the barrel.... Still got it!
  17. It was certainly a suggestion in the novel The New Men by C.P. Snow, published in 1954.
  18. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Then they wouldn't be so rare... I think they're the one loco, just listed in different formats.
  19. Come Together - The Beatles (The "together" sequence seems somewhat descriptively erotic?)
  20. And Hitler being so convinced that he would win by 1943 that a number of potential devastating technical developments were put on hold.
  21. Near enuff https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commodus
  22. Its not a trainset, its prototypical! Though a "bit" further south, I've seen photographic evidence of a Bulleid Air Smoothed Pacific with a single coach train...
  23. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Someone needs to secrete several pink items with his white shirts... 🤪
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