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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. Sounds a bit like a socialist slogan to me....
  2. No problemo. They can be forced to watch while they perform their chores. How about episodes of Crossroads and Eldorado too? With electric shocks each time they close their eyes... We're allowing them to watch TV, isn't that one of the things that they think is their right?
  3. The Crying Game - Dave Berry
  4. The staff at Pirbright would probably be quite pleased he hasn't.... "Do Do Do the Funky Turkey....."
  5. Bring back the Handle and the Treadmill. So many revolutions/steps per day or they don't get fed...
  6. As the LoHMLO, I'm certainly glad to appoint you to that portfolio, you seem highly qualified to cover the brief! Now, the first thing to be done is to castigate the Government Benches for not providing enough Tea Breaks and for their poor biscuit provisions.
  7. Its worse than policemen and doctors! Racing drivers are looking younger and younger...
  8. It'd be more fun to be the Leader of His Majesties Loyal Opposition. Muahahahaha!!!!
  9. I don't think it'd pass an imported vehicle test* or its first MOT. * Same sort of thing for newly built kit cars, can't remember what its called.
  10. Hroth

    New Hornby Rocket

    Just thinking out loud. The road mail coaches had a "boot", a secure compartment that the mail pouches were kept in. Perhaps the trunk was bolted to the roof as the rail equivalent. As it was right in front of the guard, he would notice if anyone tried to tamper with it... Passengers luggage would be roped and sheeted, but not the mail trunk.
  11. Industrial safety films were good too. Man with tie vs lathe?
  12. Hroth

    New Hornby Rocket

    I like the way that the guard has positioned the single trunk as a windbreak!
  13. Like a rolling stone - Bob Dylan
  14. Do not ask for who the bell tolls, it tolls for thee.... Though if you can hear your own passing bell, it means that someone is being a bit premature!
  15. Doesn't surprise me, the last words of Geoge V were alleged to be "Bu@ger Bognor"...
  16. That's the wrong game.... 🙃
  17. Can it get DAB+ or is it just FM?
  18. I've got that CD, when it first came out*. Beautiful music. * 1982? Where have the years gone...
  19. Boulevard of Broken Dreams - Green Day
  20. You can understand his thinking "Why don't they just drink the Koolaid and shut the fuuk up"...
  21. Of course, the Lycra Loons and Field Ornament riders just ignore all road signs! I believe you can get "Facinators" with elastic bands to hold them on, which would suit Bear. I would have thought a nailgun would be safe for the habitual wearers of such scraps of Millinery, there's nothing in the head to get damaged...
  22. You're lucky. My council is infected by the 20mpg bug, and signs are spreading like an ugly rash, even on A roads. If they could get away with it, they'd have bylaws that all motor vehicles have to be preceded by a bloke with a red flag.
  23. Crocodile Shoes - Jimmy Nail
  24. The voters in the constituency where I reside always vote for a flower, never for a tree. To show my independence I'll not vote for either, because they're as bad as each other. But by voting for someone else, I'll have proven (in my mind at least) that the eventual outcome IS NOT MY FAULT. All we need do now is wait for the inevitable General Election. Unless Rishi does a Putin and passes a bill maintaining him in power in perpetuity....
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