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RMweb Gold
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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. Ok folks, BBQs at the ready!!!!
  2. Heart of Gold - Neil Young
  3. You might be leaving it a bit late, but surely its time to pause for elevenses?
  4. Poor chap looks like he was the source idea for Weebles.
  5. I've recorded the new series (to skip ad breaks) but not viewed it yet.
  6. Its like being weighed at the doctors and asking for your weight in kg to be translated into "old money"...
  7. Have fun! You should be ok with the rucksack, providing you showered and have fresh clothes on before leaving...
  8. Hroth

    EBay madness

    You mean you want one of us to jump in and save you from your impetuosity? 🤔 Looks like you'll have another coach to rename!
  9. Hroth

    EBay madness

    The poor thing needs to be put out of its misery. Someone should call the SPCMRE. (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Model Railway Engines)
  10. Give a Little Love - The Bay City Rollers
  11. Morning Has Broken - Cat Stevens
  12. Many sports are better than rugby. F'rinstance at school I played hockey instead. The rugby teams were populated by the mindless thugs and bullies of the school while with hockey you at least had the means of instant retaliation in your hands... Sadly, the one "sport" that completely unavoidable was cross country running, which was the Spring term misery replacement for indoors PE. Effin b@stards.
  13. Can I have it without the beetroot?
  14. And then there's the injunction that "Dogs must be carried on the escalator" to consider...
  15. Some people will GET OUT of a boat to walk across the aqueduck rather than even look across from the complete safety of inside the cabin or even the front cockpit of a boat. I suppose there is the illusory safety of having the railings on the towpath side to cling onto if overcome by vertigo. What they don't realise is that the towpath is cantilevered out over the trough, about a foot above the water, so they're actually walking on thin air. I wonder if they'd walk across if it was one of those glass pathways. Its a clever design feature that allows the water to flow around the boat, otherwise a boat progressing towards Llangollen would actually be pushing water over the side of the trough.... One interesting thing is that the canal has a distinct current running from just above Llangollen where water flows in from the Dee, progressing all the way to the junction with the Shroppie at Hurleston, where there is a reservoir to capture the excess water. The other interesting thing is that the Dee falls 126 feet from where it meets the head of the canal at Llantysilio to where the aqueduct passes over it, a mere 6 miles or so... Another thing.... There is a big plug in the middle of the aqueduct. Every now and then, the ends of the trough are planked off and the plug is pulled to empty the water so the cast iron trough can be inspected for corrosion, etc. Its an amazing sight to see it emptying into the Dee from ground level!
  16. I'll have a dozen custard tarts please! Ok, which b@stard swiped two??? S'pose I'll have to make do with the ten remaining...
  17. I awoke this morn to a positively unearthly light streaming through the gaps in the curtains. I dragged them aside to be confronted by a positively cerulean firmament, with a great glowing yellow ORB shedding its effulgent rays all about! What does this mean? Are we all DOOMED???
  18. Hope you've been keeping them chilled...
  19. You know why its called the "Ming" period? If you gently tap an artefact, it'll go Minggggggg.....
  20. Love Letters in the Sand - Pat Boone
  21. Not "reserved", Deprecated! Net Nanny Strikes AGAIN!!!! Reminds me of George Carlins Seven Dirty Words , though rather expanded and enhanced. She's a dirty minded little fokker....
  22. A spot of extra weathering should remove the inconvenient little blob at the bottom of the "G".
  23. If you've ever read "The Wasp Factory", you wouldn't ask that sort of question...
  24. Next week its things that run on parallel strips of steel... Having crossed the Pontywhatsit Aqueduck many times, I can confirm that it's "worrying" to look over the side all the way down. Especially from the stern deck of a traditional narrowboat...
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