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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. Please, please NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO....
  2. Looks like ER is doing it's mental hiccups again. Pages 12853/4 are identical at present... Update: Now its been forced onto a new page, I think its re-indexed itself.
  3. Paint It Black - The Rolling Stones
  4. Ok, Vehicle Tax. But "Road Tax" means prodding fewer letters on a tablet... As for taxing road use for electric vehicles, a "simple" way might be for all cars to have to attend an MOT test, not just those over 3 years old. Up to and including the third year, this would merely consist of tyre checking and recording the mileage, which would then be forwarded to the DVLA who would then issue a tax demand for distance covered. Fun all round!
  5. We Are Family - Sister Sledge
  6. The colour of the stars you would see when hit by one of those would depend on which filter had been selected at the time of use....
  7. @Grizz is the bear to ask, I think he has spotted many Custard Tarts a la Portugese, but they're in one of those "posh" supermarkets. Must admit, they look remarkably moreish!
  8. Oh yes, it must be in the shed.... 🤪
  9. I'm awaiting the howls of anguish when electric car drivers finally have to pay road tax and the government works out a way to impose excise duty on electric car charging....
  10. Spring is sprung The weeds is riz I wonder where the weedkiller is...
  11. At least with post boxes no one is likely to die through ingesting larger and larger creatures.....
  12. Walking on the Edge - Wilko Johnsons Solid Senders
  13. Heaven Knows I’m Miserable Now - The Smiths
  14. Isn't that similar to the way the Anhk-Morpork Post Office tried to solve the infestation of their letter boxes by snails?
  15. I've had one of their single basket air fryers for a while and its worked well. I saw the double-barreled version in their leaflet last week. Its preying on my mind, but I don't know what I'd do with the old one. Put it in storage, just in case??? 🤔
  16. The ventilation holes are a bad idea, akin to Russian Roulette...
  17. I was poking about in the back of the shed this morning, it being sunny and almost warmish, when I came across a net bag of daffodil bulbs that I had been gifted some time ago as damaged stock (they had become damp) from a garden centre. I'd plonked them in a bucket and forgotten all about them. Anyhow a large number had started to sprout, so I took them out and planted the sprouty ones in tubs. There were some rotted ones that had failed and it was almost as if the sprouty ones had cannibalised their less fortunate companions. Now, they're watered in and sitting in a patch of warm sunlight. I'll just have to see how they go!
  18. One assumes that attractive young women are preferred for stop/go duties as drivers will actually look at them and have a better chance of seeing the boards too. And as you say, if it's a Stop, they've a chance for an oggle until the board changes! Here, such a policy would be instantly denounced in the Guardian as "objectification" and heads would roll. We just get old blokes in dirty hi-vis jackets with a half-smoked ciggy dangling from a corner of their mouths...
  19. He's got the attention span of a stunned herring. I also hear that he predicted that there would be "bloodshed" if he wasn't elected in November. Worrying stuff...
  20. At least they have two equal candidates to choose between.
  21. Not surprising. The other candidates on the ballot were: In exile or In prison or Dead
  22. Clackers... Swing 'em!
  23. I wouldn't go down the belt trimming or tape wrapping routes. Either the belt would "jump" at the join, or catch on the tape as time passed. Either a sprung idler wheel a la HH or a sprung carriage for the motor to keep the belt in tension would be better bets.
  24. Like a stinkbomb, I expect... Must say, they look like hedgehogs!
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