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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. I've recorded it for "later". How risible was the plot?
  2. I'll trot down to my usual purveyor before Thursday. Otherwise Easter gets in the way!
  3. Hroth

    On Cats

    So long as its not mistaken for a litter tray...
  4. 302? 🤔 ALREADY??? 🙂😄🤪
  5. The rerun could have been as 20001 instead! "Surely" a number change wouldn't have slowed production down?
  6. Well done! Must have cramped his style for a considerable period of time... A good thing she only batted him, a slicing movement could have been more problematic.
  7. Oh Joy. Just got my 2024/25 Council Tax Bill...
  8. And if that's a Black Five...
  9. Arguing over who got first use of the hole in the middle of the road?
  10. Urghhhh.... Just sat down for a rest* after splashing some shed paint** on the side panels and legs of an Aldi "Raised Wooden Planter". You can tell that I used to build Airfix kits when I was young, I can't ignore the imperative to "paint parts before assembly"... * With a glass of orange juice and a caramel KitKat to aid relaxation. ** At one point it looked as if I had a 50 year, 40 a day Senior Service habit, going by the staining on my fingertips. Luckily it all washed off!
  11. It might be a good idea to freeze the topic and start ER-2
  12. Mmmmmmm!!! Salty! But yes, public bogy-munching is a no no.
  13. I'm not a Crufts judge (they like to grapple dogs in that area), so I wasn't paying that much attention to extra "appendages"...
  14. I'm afraid they do neither of those things, in fact they're just as bad as their humanoid counterparts...
  15. As the Vernal Equinox occurred just after 3am this morning, Spring can be said to be well and truly here! Boiiiing!!! 🙂
  16. Going by the symbols on chest and hat, whatever it is must be the First Cuccoo of Spring.... I really do feel sorry fot its minder!
  17. Boinggggg!!! Yep, the Vernal Equinox occured earlier this morning, so Spring has actually Sprung, and the hours of daylight are now OFFICIALLY longer than those of night. All it really means is that the dawn chorus will get earlier and earlier...
  18. A Day in the Life - The Beatles
  19. I got a mention for a "Bach Before Seven" suggestion (The Italian Concerto) some time ago! And even a personalised weather forecast...
  20. Doesn't that come under mis-spent? 🤪
  21. Well yes, though mis-spent is a better description.
  22. Into the Treasury for whatever they think is a good idea at the time...
  23. Oh good! I found a cache of old Cracker jokes the other day, and I'm itching to share them! 🤪
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