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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. May I venture to suggest that though almonds are more expensive, the manufacturer of your knobbly egg probably sources the broken nuts from the nut extraction process 'cause they're cheaper and easier to crush down to size for coating? 🤪 ION Oh yes, and whilst attempting to get here just now, I got The Message!
  2. But they're not even WHOLE hazlenuts, even Cadburys can achieve that! ("Nuts, whole hazlenuts! Cadburys take them and they cover them in chocolate!")
  3. You can keep it, its covered in pustules....
  4. And with narrowboats in particular, the upper tip of the propeller is verging on cavitation as its within inches of the water surface, thus having less grip on the water than the lower tip. If you knew what hand your prop was, you could also use it as a side thrust (in forward or reverse) to get the boat alongside when mooring up... Allegedly...
  5. As the bowl of Petunias said "Oh no, not again..."
  6. Dunno about Bear Towers, but I can post one here... Ta Dahhhh!!!!
  7. Hroth

    EBay madness

    It looks pure BL to me. Apart from the splashers and the livery, it looks identical to my BL 1927 cigarette loco*. * AKA Duke of York
  8. I didn't get the message, but I had a number of 2 minute pauses while ER struggled to get its act together plus a couple of responses to ER posts that couldn't find the post responded to. If you get my drift...
  9. Shrinking, from left to right?
  10. Well, there is more exercise for the circumnavigator. That's a good thing, right?
  11. Take Me To The River - Talking Heads
  12. Espicially if living next door to a large mammal wallow...
  13. Thats ok, I've just found the box of TEN Creme Eggs that I bought at the beginning of the season when Tess Co had them reduced...
  14. {gloat} I've got TWO medium (190g) Easter Eggs. 1 Terrys Choc Orange, 1 Cadburys Twirl. And I haven't opened either yet! {/gloat} I have sampled bits of the shell from two other eggs because I had lunch at the Rectors. One was a Celebrations egg, which being Galaxy chocolate was revolting. The other was a "Percy Pig" egg, which was ABSOLUTELY revolting. If anyone remembers Pink Panther bars*, they'll know what I mean... I ate the fragments merely to be polite. Honest! * I've a story concerning these and a group of over-excited children on a tour bus around Knowsley Safari Park on a hot day, which I won't repeat now as it'll put you off your tea...
  15. And before that, its how newspaper articles used to be structured.
  16. I had one of those clockwork radios, it stopped working after a while...
  17. You tell the reader what you are going to tell them. You tell them. You tell them what you have told them. All quotations must be noted and backed up by reference to appropriate sources.
  18. @polybear Haven't you got an echo dot? All you have to do is mumble "alexa time" at it to get the current time, projection clocks not needed! I woke at 8am BST. I slept through my echo dot playing music at me and the bedside light automatically switching on at 7am. I think it was them switching OFF at 8 that did the trick...
  19. And if all you remember about her is that she allegedly rode naked through Coventry... 🤔
  20. How about the FA one about activities in cars? 🤪 Pipe organs? I like a fair range of stuff, but I lose interest as the nineteenth century progresses, and lot of modern stuff sounds like the performer is bludgeoning the manuals and tramping up and down the pedals! One of the organ sounds I really do like is that obtained on old Spanish organs, their reed tones, especially the horizontal trumpet stops, have to be heard to be believed!
  21. Slumping on the sofa with a muggatea and a couple of toasted hot X buns, listening to the Classic FM "Hall of Fame" countdown, reading a book and occasionally dipping into RMweb. Who says I can't multitask!
  22. Poppy the Puppy is certainly a cutie! (liked the Gesualdo too)
  23. The Night Has A Thousand Eyes - Bobby Vee
  24. I've just been touring all the "real" clocks in the house so they think its BST already. I also popped out to Yeti and ticked the DST box so it'll be ready for tomorrow. All the radio-controlled clocks will position themselves appropriately in the small hours. The only thing left is the clock on the oven, which is so weird that it'll have to wait until I find its instruction book...
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