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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. If I'd done that two and a half years ago, I'd still be living in the caravan. As it is, it's just the garage, smallest bedroom and conservatory that are unusable. My study is usable but filled with unsorted items and the shed is fully functional!
  2. Hroth

    On Cats

    Check your slippers for "contributions" in the morning...
  3. After posting that. I got a notification, although it had actually been accepted.
  4. Sounds nice, apart from the white and green trees..... Wouldn't surprise me, it tastes like meths anyway!
  5. Mainly because grannies are much younger nowadays!
  6. It used to be a flat 10% per transaction, which was bad enough. Looks like the Coinstar beancounters have decided that they need to make more money as not enough people are using their woeful service. I've not actually seen anyone using the machines in either Morrisons or Sainsburys... btw. At the quoted rate, if you fed in £10 worth of coppers, you'd get a voucher for £8.62. £1.38 isn't exactly a small sum to hand over for counting....
  7. I don't consider that Coinstars slice* of whatever you pour into their machines maw to be small, but I suppose that if you factor in your time to bag up a large amount of 1 and 2 pence coins to pay in to a bank or post office then its possibly worth taking the hit for coppers. I wouldn't go anywhere near them for any coins of higher value! The local Morrisons has a Coinstar, when you've finished chucking in your cash it prints out a voucher which can either be taken to the customer service counter for a cash disbursment, or used to pay for shopping. There's one in a nearby Sainsburys, but I've never looked closely at what the procedure is there. * According to their website, there is a 25p transaction fee and an 11.5% processing fee for cash transactions
  8. With real banks closing left, right and centre, (ie there's none within staggering distance of car parking) whats the best way to hand in a large quantity of "coppers"? Just asking for the proverbial "friend"...
  9. You could have the answer there...
  10. Do The Du - A Certain Ratio
  11. And scratch your forehead, for that matter.... (Are you sure its not bubblegum?)
  12. Sigh..... You're all just fishing for attention.
  13. The Times They Are A Changin - Bob Dylan
  14. My Ding-A-Ling - Chuck Berry
  15. Sweet Dreams are Made of This - Eurythmics
  16. And for completeness.. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dogger_Bank
  17. Saving you having to google it... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MXzaVOk_Ydk
  18. In the UK, if you catch rats or mice in a "humane" trap, you can't release them alive in a place where they can't cause an issue, you have to kill them yourself. Perhaps moles fall under the same rule. Then again, nailed to a fence is a place where they can't cause an issue...
  19. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Despite the rust, its a nice looking car!
  20. I feel sorry for the fish who didn't make it...
  21. Hroth

    EBay madness

    This is where you may gently intone the Ying Tong song....
  22. From the degree of circumspection, I deduce the films were of an intimate nature?
  23. An Anglican High Church service with "bells and smells" would have been fun too!
  24. Hroth

    EBay madness

    In passing, would the Nile god Min be an appropriate emblem for the brotherhood of mendacious chiselers? 🤔 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Min_(god) Apparently he was sometimes depicted as holding his ... "chisel" ...
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