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RMweb Gold
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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. Used on wagonways to allow the horses to proceed without tripping over transverse sleepers. Some early steam railways were laid on them, just in case the engines might have to be replaced by horses. Their lack of resiliency was a contribution to rail breakages (as well as loco weight) and they also were prone to going out of gauge due to the weight of the locos. Good for horses and chaldron wagons, but that was about their limit.
  2. Personally I think that the former "PO Chars" were suffering from inflammable trousers. Perhaps subconsciously you thought so too? 🤪
  3. Hroth

    EBay madness

    More like RMweb Interceptors!
  4. Well, everyone knows that means "Just One Cornetto"...
  5. But we never inhaled...
  6. Hroth

    EBay madness

    To be sure that it's uncirculated, it should be wiped for cocaine!
  7. I'm sure that Polybears beef with ice cream van tunes isn't with the tunes themselves, but with highly distorted electronic reproduction, akin to a cheap multi-tune electronic doorbell. I'm with him with that!
  8. The Welsh can use whatever words they like, I'll stick to Snowdon/Snowdonia and The Brecon Beacons, until thoughtcrime becomes detectable...
  9. Blackberry Black is the only PROPER locomotive engine livery! (Shoots, eats and leaves...)
  10. Back again... Only away 5 days, I'll leave catchup for when I've been out for bread, milk, etc! Watches? I'm currently using a Pulsar Kinetic, which works like an old fashioned autowinder but for a quartz movement and must be nearing its second decade at least. Its had a couple of straps and I might get a new strap soon to keep in reserve. For "formal" use I have an oblong Rotary with a Millenium hallmarked Sterling silver case. The interior is nothing to write home about...
  11. That would be the cryptic clue...
  12. Large flightless bird (3 letters) ?
  13. Ear defenders too, the noise will be truly horrific until surgery has been completed...
  14. This is an amusing romp through the history of false teeth... https://www.amazon.co.uk/Strange-Story-False-Teeth-Woodforde/dp/071006215X
  15. With the grip, and the way she's lunging at it, I don't think its a dart...
  16. But not as subtle... 🤪
  17. Overhanging/unbalanced load ✔️ Improperly secured load ✔️ Load too heavy for vehicle ✔️ Improper towing method ✔️ Brakelights/indicators not connected to towing vehicle ✔️ Inapproprate towing weight ✔️ Towing vehicle possibly unroadworthy ✔️ Wheres the book? 🤪
  18. Weasels are a gingery colour, so doubly appropriate! Assuming the unthinkable, I'd like to see it used as his formal title...
  19. I've a toaster oven sitting in the garage.
  20. The heir should have more hair!
  21. Another OrangeBaby moneymaking scam? I bet he puts in an insurance claim...
  22. Look Out, There's A Monster Coming - Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band
  23. The local big Tescos now has a sushi counter. The people who shop in curlers and pyjamas are a bit puzzled by it.... Speaking of serve yourself, how many miss UK Woolies pick'n'mix?
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