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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. Hopefully your new 6 port charger will be capable of all the current, errrr, current outputs. USB started off at 500ma, then went on to 1 then 2 amps. Nowadays there is also a "Fast Charge" level at 3 amps, which is often demanded by appliances with USB C inputs. I've a Samsung tablet that requires fast charge. If if gets it, it says "ready in 1hr 50min". Anything lower and its the equivalent of "Come back tomorrow"...
  2. Just so long as you didn't steeple your hands too... 🤔
  3. Welcome To My World - Jim Reeves
  4. While on holiday last week, I visited an NT property that had just opened a s/h bookshop, in fact it was the bookshops first day of operation! Got a book about things that run on parallel strips of metal, a book about Arthur Ransomes spying activities in Russia and a Folio edition of 1066 and All That. I'll have to stop visiting bookshops...
  5. It may be some time before its commercial viability is proven!
  6. Watch out, an Iberian Plume is about* SCORCHIO!!! ION A song about Primrose Hill has been written... You have been warned! * Though it may be a Daily Express weather fantasy.
  7. There was a programme on BBC2 yesterday evening about the reconstruction of Notre Dame, I do hope there is no connection!
  8. Interesting! I didn't realise that the kilns still existed up to at least 2018. You could see them from the railway when the brickworks were in operation, but in more recent times there was a concrete pipe works next to the railway fence, and I thought the kilns had been swept away. There you go!
  9. Were there any of these signs about? Must admit, I wouldn't expect an SUV driver to notice the signage...
  10. I sometimes do this when looking for fabcon and non-bio wash liquid, which is in the cupboard next to the fridge. However it usually takes far less time to register that I've chosen the wrong door....
  11. Don't You Want Me - The Human League
  12. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Rovex Coupling Triang Couplings The first Triang couplings were the Mk2(a) which had a plain drop arm, the later Triang coupling, the Mk2b had the "skid" on the drop arm, apparently to add weight and give more positivity to the hook. The familiar tension lock Mk3 was introduced in 1957 with, I believe, the TT system and then transferred to OO. The loco tender has a hook coupling, while the coaches have Mk2b couplings. It looks like someone has found a box with a loco and tender and has added a couple of later coaches to make the lot a bit more attractive! The lack of track is probably because the original "Universal" track is incompatible with the later "Standard" track and including Standard track would certainly stick out like a sore thumb! Rovex Universal track Triang Standard track
  13. Hroth

    EBay madness

    R.20 according to The Tri-ang Hornby Book Of Trains. 🙃
  14. Its not something that has ever crossed my mind, though YOU seem awfully familiar with the concept.... I'll just stick to restraining it, though if it seems to enjoy bondage, I'll have to think of something different!
  15. Fake news, fake food.... Where will it all end? 🤪
  16. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Very much so.....
  17. Then there's Saffron too.
  18. It'll eventually re-index. Your post has probably forced it to do so!
  19. @Tony Wright Arty types refer to lenses as having "Excellent bokeh", though that means that the images are fuzzy around the edges. Sometimes it seems that superlative sharpness is a fault...
  20. Hmmmmm... I wondered why my toes were bruised!
  21. I suppose there are problems if the batteries go flat, though there's no point in using Duracell, other Alkaline cells are just as long lasting and cheeper....
  22. "Brass Finishing Shop, Cammel Lairds"
  23. The odd thing is that they appear to have a USB powered double decker....
  24. People try to get away with anything. I've heard of people wanting to take their miniature ponies and pigs on board as emotional support animals. I've just thought, how about an emotional support polecat??? No need to - it came to me in a blinding flash of light....
  25. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Not the very first, the Princess has plunger pickups not the very first roller pickups, so not as desirable. Nice Banana coaches and possibly original stock boxes, but no battery box or track, so incomplete. I didn't get as far as the AI description! A complete set: http://www.tri-ang.co.uk/origset.html I've a complete R0 set ( http://www.tri-ang.co.uk/RO Set.html ) which is nice, though the flanges on the loco mean that it hurdles through modern points. The last time I had it open the coaches hadn't Banana-ed...
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