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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. I believe that the spies we had turned were allowed to see them so that they could report back to their former masters...
  2. I'm afraid my comment came from a very vague recollection of the page about steam coaches in the Ladybird book "The Story of the Motor Car" (1962) My copy is very battered but I still have it, and can say that it reported that road steam carriages were actually penalised by the stage coach operators and, gasp, the RAILWAYS! The act, as well as introducing the Red Flag (to be carried 60 yards ahead of the offending vehicle), also imposed speed limits of 2mph in towns and 4mph on the open road. So the steam coach was killed by the 1865 act but its clear that there was opposition in some quarters as far back as the 1820s.
  3. It was said that the motto of the Liverpool City Council Planning Department was "Completing what the Luftwaffe left undone". They did an amazingly good job of it, if you thought that it needed to be done....
  4. Wheeeeee!!!!!! Found the oven instruction book and set its clock to BST!
  5. Probably trying to exorcise the ECU, before calling the AA...
  6. I learned all I needed to know about elm in History, and was nothing to do with rot, but more in HH territory*... Mea culpa... I confused yew with elm**, yew is indeed used to perforate distant naughty people, but I did know about elm and its rotproof qualities in a historical context, it was used as the bottom boards of narrowboats. * its use in 6ft poles to shoot sharp pointy sticks at other people with extreme rapidity. ** "Tree, three letters, contains the letter 'e'...
  7. Wouldn't touch such stuff with yours, let alone a bargepole! Marmite chocolate* has been tried here. Once tasted** 🤢 , never again... 🤮 * A waste of good chocolate, though I expect TimTam is covered in "chocolate flavoured" confectionery, so thats ok. ** It took a lot of frantic toothbrushing with strong mint toothpaste plus a number of rinses with Corsodyl to get the taste out of my mouth!
  8. The earliest steam stage coach was devised by a chap called Gurney and ran between London and Bath around 1827. I believe that it was priced off the road by a combination of conventional coach operators and turnpike trusts, and was the victim of the Red Flag laws to boot! https://www.sciencephoto.com/media/363070/view/steam-powered-coach-1826
  9. There were fake towns earlier in the war, near to towns that had already been bombed, with patterns of fire to represent still burning buildings, to attract subsequent raids away from the real thing.
  10. Hroth

    EBay madness

    More an approximation of an authentic livery. Going by the above, the bogies should have been black*... * And the cab quarterlights filled in!
  11. Blakes "Dark Satanic Mills" were the Cathedrals and Parish Churches of the Established Church of England, echoing the mills of the Industrial Revolution. He was a theist, hostile to the CofE... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Blake
  12. The thing that made our fake army so real to the Germans was that it was supported by equally fake radio signals that populated the sites with fake people, orders and activities.
  13. The delivery wagon looks like the white van man of today, who uses nothing but unrefined, reeking chip shop oil to avoid having to pay for diesel. Nothing changes!
  14. And that reminded me of part of this which I last heard on a John Peel show more years ago than I care to remember...
  15. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Well.... 🤔 It's different! But a quick visit to the paint shop would help! 🙂 Whoever bought it would also have to do something about the fuel tanks that have been cut off.
  16. Which, when venting into the open air, informs the neighbours that you had a very bad curry the previous evening...
  17. Unless you have a really good seal between lid and seat (and seat and rim), it all gets ejected through the gaps instead!
  18. *sigh* People whinge that the Royals spend too much money, then whinge if like all of us, they wear something more than once...
  19. A bit old-fashioned nowadays, even tuneful? 🤔 🤪
  20. White And Black Blues - Joelle Ursull
  21. Cool For Cats - Squeeze
  22. I didn't buy Yeti as an "SUV", just as a comfortable car with a reasonable amount of room in the back. As you say, its a boxy "hatchback", based on a VW group platform. And its never been on a school run... 🤪 If it dies, I don't know what I'd replace it with, new cars are pretty meh. I might look for another (younger) Yeti!
  23. They're probably commissioning the B Ark 2 already!
  24. Small "SUV"s are perfectly acceptable. As Jol says, the height difference over a conventional car makes them easier to get into. I've a Skoda Yeti and I really do like it. I'm not intending to replace it anytime soon, but Skoda are apparently going to produce an EV with the same form-factor in a year or two, so I'll be following that with interest. 🤔 Anything larger than the Yeti is a waste of space... 🤪
  25. He took the path less travelled..... 🙂
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