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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. Evidently the ex-railwayman was forced to follow the architectural rules of the district......
  2. One of those stethoscopes sold for mechanical engineers would be ideal, you could stick the probe right between the sleepers..... Here's one I found on ebay http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/MECHANICS-ENGINEERS-STETHOSCOPE-NOISE-LOCATION-ENGINES-/282067939673?epid=1766776705&hash=item41ac8f3159:m:mkXc8TgjLiX6DVUDISMSNTg Only an example and chosen because it wasn't from a Chinese vendor pretending to be located in the UK...
  3. Rather like the approach of a Liverpool-bound Class 503 from West Kirby approaching Hoylake. Of course, nowadays there's no signal box, the gates were replaced by a full barrier remotely controlled crossing, and the replacements for the 503s are due to be replaced themselves. At least the railway is still there!
  4. I'll keep an eye open for it towards the end of next week/beginning of the week after then! It'll be sadly missed, not only for the content but also for the exercise of going to the newsagents once a week after the suggested publication date.......
  5. Or you could try this... http://www.girlgeniusonline.com/comic.php?date=20140307#.WcGbmMZry9K This section of the "Girl Genius" webcomic concerns the excitement of taking a trip on the railway system operated by the Corbettite Order of monks. Dunno about the wheel arrangement, but the loco body would be interesting!
  6. There were a pair of kittens lurking around outside today, a tortoiseshell and a black and white. They were pretending to be chasing grashoppers, and watching the bird table for a snack, but now I know. It was a stakeout! Go with the Bachmann Class 4, it'll be less controversial....
  7. You know those Dean Goods that Oxford make??????
  8. Just so long as the background isn't whispering Chinese....
  9. *sings* Neiiiiighbours, e'vrybody hates the Neiiiiighbours...... Hatski, coatski, outski......
  10. The "Colonials" should be safe then, it'll take until at least the end of the year for them to arrive. They have to allow for slipping, y'know...... I like the Shackleton. I've not built an Airfix kit in years, must give it a go sometime. Or perhaps one of those Revell Big Boy kits. Even Rule One can't extend to getting a Rivarossi!
  11. When I was very young, my uncle (a graphics artist), took me to where he worked. While there, I had a go on a Linotype. My main impression was that it was both hot and noisy! I've still got a Linotype output bar, but I don't think it was the one I made.
  12. That was a pity, its name (Hallucogenia) was really good! However, creatures like Anomalocaris and Opabina, which looks like a 50s cylinder vacuum cleaner, are whacky enough.....
  13. Its a double ended Crampton, innit! The Nord always had a thing for Cambrian locos........ NO not the Cambrian Railway! The Cambrian geological period was noted for oddly designed lifeforms. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cambrian_explosion
  14. But would it fit on a GER 50' turntable? Another thought on the 0-8-0 "Q1", wouldn't it be more balanced as a 2-8-0? It might almost have been aesthetically pleasing!
  15. Just as eye-wateringly ill-proportioned as the LNER streamlined B17s......
  16. Still got to ask - Where does the key go? Hat, coat, outski......
  17. Totally agree! On my new Super BLT(Minories), the trains will be driven using a hand controller and the points/signals controlled by a computer/JMRI/Sprog 3 combination. Admittedly I'll be using both on many occasions, but there will be a clear division between controlling the layout and controlling the trains on it. It also means that because there's a complete separation between traction and infrastructure, shorts due to derailment won't have a knock on effect on route setting and signalling.
  18. So. if (AvailableScaleforum == TRUE) { printf("Its OUT!!!\n"); } else { printf("No its not. Drat, damn, Grrr, etc.\n"); } Be still, my trembling heart!!!
  19. Ohhhhhhh!!!!! You can see their ankles......
  20. The whole point of God is to have something to swear by! Notice how we still tend to capitalise, despite....?
  21. Bachmann missed a trick with this one, they should have put track cleaning pads under one of the units, and they'd have been a bit more popular.....
  22. Like the pic of No 3 on a low loader. A modeller could always invest in a Hattons "Warwell" and put a 14" Barclay on one of those for running on their main layout if they don't have space for an industrial siding! Ok. Time for coffee - I've obviously not got my thinking head on!
  23. There's been a brief spasm of partworks involving knitting recently so I was keeping my eyes open just in case. But yes, it was the brakevan I was interested in!
  24. Perhaps its the provisional offshoot of the Church Army? Nononononononoooooo... so wrong on so many levels..... As for JB, didn't he moonlight for Ernest Marples in the late 50s-early 60s? And the "Russianised" J15 in a later post. Hattons are selling J15s fairly inexpensively, so it might be fun to do a conversion, with a fully detailed guards van containing a huge samovar! Btw, is that supposed to be Lenin hanging onto the r/h side of the smokebox?
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