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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. What your photographs show is a knack of what the "art photographers" call previsualisation, a concept that dates back to Ansel Adams who defined it as "the ability to anticipate a finished image before making the exposure". I suppose its what separates a photographer from a casual snapshotter. This ability allows you to insert your lens into the view as if you were at the same scale and so all the proportions and fine work of the modelmaker are captured as a realistic whole. I wish I could do it, my layout photos all look like a homage to Brian Monaghan (cue helicopter sfx).... Does Private Eye still have Pseuds Corner? I hope not!
  2. Architecture, History, Solvents (their use and misuse)* and Biological Experimentation...... Its amazing what an interest in Railway Modelling can embody! * Sounds like a Mastermind Special Subject classification.
  3. Are we limited to just one entry, or is it as many cakes as can be consumed (with or without editorial assistance)? I've had ideas sleeting through my brain all afternoon, like Leonard da Quirm on a bad day.....
  4. Ahhh - I was beginning to think you meant 4mm to the furlong......
  5. Tempting...... How are you on salted caramel?
  6. You could always make it as big as you like, provided your cakebox has Tardis-like qualities...... Or perhaps a T gauge "Minories".....
  7. Oh lor' double metalwork......... I've a note from me mum asking for me to be excused soldering. Can I do some turning on the Boxford instead? Pleeeeeeeeeeeease sir?
  8. It won't work you know, I'm protected by the Mighty Om! (Just beware of flying tortoises...) (They're a type of insect....) (...)
  9. More importantly, do we have to eat the cake too? I might have a stab at it, it sounds a bit more fun than the Cameo Contest, and the mag is easier to get hold of......
  10. The steam and smoke comment was meant to be tongue in cheek, given the way some of the mags get criticised for overdoing it! However, a subtle quiver of heat haze over the loco boiler, distorting the footbridge slightly, perhaps? Perhaps not......
  11. Tony, I'd say that the plane of sharpness starts at the leading edge of the barrow crossing, the crossbeam of the buffer stop looks slightly soft too. Apart from that, a terrific shot and I'm thinking that in real life, a shot from that spot, trying to get the loco and train in focus, would result in the foreground being thrown out anyway! (And apart from the humpty third coach, the degree ot naturalness is amazing. now how about some smoke and steam effects....... ) I swear, I proofread before clicking post, but still... Grrr!!!
  12. Also, poundshops are a good source of interesting shades and cheaper than buying the hobbyist stuff. Of course, you've got to harden yourself to the funny looks when you're browsing the makeup shelves.....
  13. I like the two red ones, but the green one is terrible - I know you've done your best to present it in as decent a fashion as possible, but it's like a 1950s Triang Jinty, there's not much detail on the bodywork and you can't see through the wheels! Heheheheheeee.....
  14. Eeep!!! "Houston, we have a problem..." Of course it's a US version of a COSHH sheet. Seek Medical Attention, Seek Medical Attention, Seek..... European ones only suggest mandate getting medical aid once some has been swallowed or its got onto the eye. Otherwise wash it off. Its serious stuff though, gloves and protective clothes and eyewear are definitely indicated. Better invest in a good old fashioned labcoat! At least the room Edwardian intends to use it in appears to be "well ventilated". http://www.holmberg.se/upload/product/files/sds-methyl-ethyl-ketone-mek-eng-2014-08-19---733.pdf Edit to ensure that I'm taking H&S seriously for once.
  15. I suspect that Holmes displaying his patriotic credentials through gunfire were a side effect of the 7% solution.....
  16. Or... SPADI another stop signal with solid red and flashing red lights tht means "The last signal you passed was really at danger and it might be a good idea to stop NOW". It aso means that as a minimum your career is in jeopardy, and that if you survive that you may well have to explain the SPAD to a court and the tabloid press...
  17. It goes back a bit before Harry Lauder (1870 - 1950). The Punch cartoon Thrift (or "Bang Went Saxpence" ) by Charles Keene and published in 1868, commented on alleged Scottish parsimony, so it must have been a well understood concept well before Sir Harry Lauder was born! http://punch.photoshelter.com/image/I0000pr0Ge8xcYyE Keene also drew a number of railway based cartoons, I particularly like this one, about the classification of livestock... http://punch.photoshelter.com/image/I0000CRlATCk4EiM
  18. Or retired loansharks? As for Dunrobin, wasn't that the seat of a typical medieval robber-baron? or it could be a retirement home for former C&E Inspectors....
  19. Well, before I found the picture tag, I was thinking "No one expects the Spanish Inquisition..." As for "Consider Yourself", the figure to the right of, and just behind Dodger looks rather Sikes-ish, whilst the thirdish row back, to the left by the barrows looks like the other two.... What does puzzle me is that if she's supposed to be Her Ladyship, why does she appear to be wearing a rather large cabbage leaf on her head? H,C&O.....
  20. Very! You're doing a scene from Oliver! Bill Sikes to the left, about to beat someone up, with a Cheery Costermonger and a Flahhh Girl doing "Consider Yerself".....
  21. Then as linear distance is being compressed for effect, a selective minor 12% compression of lateral distance is more than perfectly acceptable! Coatski, Hatski, Outski..... No doubt chased by some member of the Ursine tribe. Preferably well stuffed....
  22. I think I've seen/read something like that too, but I couldn't even begin to think of nailing down a source, so well done for sticking your head above the parapet.... It sounds pretty rural, an expedient to be found on the most impecunious of organisations. Hmm, perhaps one should look in the Col Stephens fold.......
  23. If a visiting engine were too long for the local turntable, you could always uncouple the tender and turn loco and tender separately.... Or run light engine to the nearest triangle/bigger turntable (ie the fiddle yard) for turning. I seem to remember* this sort of activity in one of the "Railway Roundabout" films concerning the annual meeting of some railway society at Barmouth and the locos (a couple of Dukedogs) being run light to Dovey Junction for turning..... *Only from the DVDs!
  24. Just be glad we're British...... Muahahahaaaaaaaaa......
  25. If you fancy a Shilhouette Portrait cutting machine, Yolo ( http://www.yolo.co.uk/ ) are having one of their periodic 12% off sales, ending 12pm Wednesday 4th October. Their prices are shown plus vat, so the cost of a Portrait works out at about £128, inc VAT and delivery, a it cheaper than the normal going rate of about £148 elsewhere! btw - its not mentioned anywhere, but the discount will be applied at the point of sale. Edit - Link fixed. It ran into the closing bracket and confused the forum!
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