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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. The first General Manager of the LNWR was (Captain) Mark Huish, but as his captaincy was in the army of the East India Company, I would have thought any colour preference would be towards red, rather than the green of the Rifles. It could be that green was chosen because of the tight financial controls imposed on the LNWR by Sir Richard Moon, and they got a good deal on uniform coats in green.
  2. It reminds me of a passage in one of le Carre's novels ("Tinker, Tailor" or "Smileys People") where the competitors in a Squash tournament were described as being listed under workname.....
  3. Something like that..... I do like the "put upon" expression on his little face!
  4. As any folk singer worth their salt might sing "A hangeddd I shall be, from the topmost bar ot Tyburn Tree...." I might have just made that up, though it has the ring of folkish veracity!
  5. You could always include some railway rozzers chasing some scallywags off the bridge....
  6. I must say, compared with my cobbled together efforts, there are far more accomplished entries about. I've as much chance as winning anything as spotting a squadron ot Tamworths zipping up the estuary at low level! I'm just having a bash for the fun of it and as a personal challenge to complete something that looks half right. Of course, part of it would be half left, but we can leave that to Pedants Weekly.... As an aside, my subscription copy of BRM hasn't arrived yet. It'll probably turn up tomorrow, on Friday 13th and put the complete mockers on everything!
  7. I think Stubby has a fair number of Cameo entries on the blocks already. Against that level of commitment, the cakebox must offer some light relief!
  8. But at least its certain to fit a standard cakebox! Did you notice that the suggested tube of glue to stick it together was almost the same price as the baseboard???
  9. Interesting stuff. But a pity they didn't specify which railway Mr Dilworths grandfather worked for. (as we're talking green, I suppose it might be the LNWR...) But, a Train Worker? It seems that the word "railway" has passed out of the vocabulary of the youth of today! grumble grumble.....
  10. I'd considered Cudworth and Grantham, but thought the caualty lists for them would have made a bigger impact on the posters. (Cudworth! Lets run away together! Yus m'lady!) Thanks for the info - that van with the wonky wheel must have made a considerable mess....
  11. For you to consider "micro-modularity" daft means it must be completely Barking! Although, on second thoughts, you might be onto something there...
  12. Remarkable! (But I'll refrain from remarking...)
  13. I'll second that comment about the speed of response and helpfulness of the staff when contacted, it just seems that the computer system is struggling. Update: I've just been informed that my order was sent yesterday. One lives in hope...
  14. Despite being told on the 5th that my order was ok and it would be with me "in a few days", I'm now expecting to hear that part of the order has been cancelled for the same reason. It's still "open" in the Your Orders list.
  15. I believe the phrase is "well preserved".... (On my part, I sometimes wake up of a morning and feel anything but that!)
  16. Unless they've been merged in a round of "cuts".
  17. Seeing as the Cakebox competition is going to take yay long, I'll unbox the Portrait that I bought the last time Yolo had a special offer, and learn how to use the software to create some fancy components too!
  18. The panel assembles for the "Schrodingers Cake" event....... (States include: There, Not There, In Phils tum)
  19. Here we go..... Some rough-n-ready bodging to see what'll work. Initial thoughts Raise viaduct by 20mm, it looks a little squat! Drop height of warehouse by about 10mm, it's close to max height. Mock up a plate girder bridge Build some track for the main line and the yard.... Aaaaaand I've just had an idea for another cake box.....
  20. More importantly, which Scotch Express was wrecked? (Lady elopes wih coachman? Shock horror!)
  21. Mmmmmmmmmm......... Mint sauce!!!!
  22. An interesting engine, well done! However... The front end looks awkward, as if it would be bearing too much load on a single axle, rather in the manner of the Dean class 3001 singles with the wheel arrangement 2-2-2, which were rebuilt into the 3031 "Achilles" class with a leading bogie after an accident to one of the class blamed on the overweight at the front. Thing is, if yours were similarly treated, it would look rather like a Whale "Experiment" or Bowen Cook "Prince of Wales" 4-6-0....
  23. A brief Planning Department update. (Lets not rush into things, eh?) Current thinking is that: A "twin track" railway viaduct runs across the rear of the diorama, with an island platform (Drovers Road Station) A single track goods line issues forth beneath the viaduct into a goods yard To one side is a warehouse In the viaduct arches are small businesses A loco propels a wagon into the scene. Pictures of the blocked out scene to follow. As an aside, the diorama is a test piece for a larger layout, to see how it goes...
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