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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. They're going to miss the boat then - it left from Southampton, called at Cherbourg, then Queenstown, then stopped for ice..... Unless they're on the LSWR!
  2. £2 each way? (plus consumption of fuel of your choice) Cheaper to buy online!
  3. Marvellous! With a bit of backdating for keyless clarinets, fiddles and a Serpent, as the instrumentalists for the Mellstock Quire they would be ideal for First Sod Cutting entertainment! The "Merchant Navy" figures are mostly good for your average 19C/20C industrial worker too.
  4. Its a wonderful piece of engineering, but it shouldn't be tolled. Look at the Queensway (Birkenhead) tunnel. Opened July 1934, promised that charges would be abolished once construction costs had been recouped. We're stll paying to use it 83 years later. Familiar promises, eh? Anyhow, now there's a toll charge to access the northen side of the Mersey by car, no matter which route you choose!
  5. Welcome to The Cakebox Challenge. The First rule of Cakebox Challenge is: you do not talk about Cakebox Challenge. The Second rule of Cakebox Challenge is: you DO NOT talk about Cakebox Challenge! The Third rule of Cakebox Challenge: Its got to fit in an 8"x8"x6" cakebox. I think that clarifies matters..... Apropos of nothing, I DO NOT KNOW how anyone can build yards and yards of track by hand without going completely loopy. 10" is enough for anyone! Oh, wait..... H,C,&O
  6. Availability logic update: printf("Is the GWRJ out yet?\n\n"); do { 103AtEaling = GetStatus("Ealing", 103); if (103AtEaling == TRUE) { printf("Its OUT! Hurrah!!!\n"); } else { printf("No its not. Drat, Damn, Grrr, etc.\n"); } } while( 103AtEaling != TRUE ); Sample output: Is the GWRJ out yet? No its not. Drat, Damn, Grrr, etc. No its not. Drat, Damn, Grrr, etc. No its not. Drat, Damn, Grrr, etc. No its not. Drat, Damn, Grrr, etc. No its not. Drat, Damn, Grrr, etc. ...
  7. Coming up to Christmas Wishlist Order time, so if these troubles are still ongoing, I'll be looking to place the orders elsewhere. I should imagine that there's a few people holding back at present...
  8. Sorry to hear that, it seems to have been bagged with copies to the normal retail channels. The September issue of the freebie was also bagged with the October issue of "Rail Express", at WHS at least.
  9. You wait for one tram, then a whole fleet of them come along...... They contribute to a really effective townscape, nice!
  10. The trouble with a full-blooded guffaw (esp on Public Transport) is that the mothers with uncontrolled squealing children, the idiots with the perpetual tizz-tizz-tizz earbuds and the smartphone users on hands free either telling a friend that "THEY'RE ON THE TRAIN" or sharing the most intimate details of their private lives, tend to look askance at you for intruding upon their personal aural space.
  11. Don't know what it is with that picture, but I got a severe attack of vertigo when I first glanced at it. Even now I know what it is, it still gives the impression of looking down a lift shaft!
  12. Ummmm... Another set of points to forget to set. Another lever to provide. Life's too short. Most people do without, so trap points at the correct location, working or not, give a richer, more prototypical appearance to the layout. As an aside, Peco sell OO gauge trap points in code 75 and 100 rail. They take up 105 mm. I wonder how popular a product they are?
  13. Also top marks to the organisers of The Jacobite for picking them up and carrying them to safety!
  14. Just reading throught the BBC News website this afternoon and found this: "Hogwarts Express rescues family stranded in Highlands" http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-highlands-islands-41621266 Its as nice an example of cliche-ridden lazy journalism as you'd like to find. A family, on a canoing holiday had their canoe washed away overnight in a remote spot and phoned police to ask for help. The police arranged for them to be picked up by the next passing train on the West Highland Railway and carried to the next station. The train happened to be the "Jacobite" steam excursion, which has been labelled in the journalistic mind as the "Harry Potter Hogwarts Express", though it has nothing to do with the HP franchise at all. Even better, a picture of Glenfinnan Viaduct is captioned as neing "made famous bu the Harry Potter films". Personally, I thought it was famous because it was the first mass concrete structure in the British Isles, created by "Concrete Bob" McAlpine. Oh well, at least they said it was a railway line, not a train line...
  15. if a 0-10-0 is a Decapod and a 4-10-0 is a Mastodon What is a 2-10-0?
  16. I quoted verbatim from the article, and your source sounds sufficiently different enough to be an alternative, so no problems! One assumes the brass pins would be the flat headed variety, things would be more interesting with the pointy-headed ones....
  17. I'd ask, when I can get a round tuit........
  18. They can have the box, but not the contents! Actually, I'm thinking I'd take photos of the model from each side (and top) and glue the pics to the outside of the box. Someone might like to buy that..... Drat - I've just had an idea for another diorama
  19. Sometimes one comes to the conclusion that mathematicians are folk with too much time on their hands! A Happy Prime?
  20. My order finally arrived on Friday 13th. However, it was well packed AND as ordered, so I'm (eventually) happy!
  21. I was at the local purveyors on Thursday. The last two copies of 102 had been removed from the shelves and that usually precedes the putting-out of the next issue by a couple of days or so. I'll be passing the emporium this Saturday morning, so I'll have a look in and see.... Steels self for another experience of crushing disappointment....
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