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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. Hroth

    EBay madness

    I didn't realise that sharks liked dogfood!
  2. They were just finding their way back then, setting the benchmarks...
  3. Bring me an alligator sandwich. And make it snappy!
  4. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Yet another use for used teabags? 🤔
  5. Situated as I am (in a fashion), between Fraggle Rock and Manutopea, I would like to report that the sunlight is "fluctuating", between dark grey and bright. Currently its a bit median, though it doesn't look like rain.... May go out, Dunham Massey or Quarrybank are options.
  6. I like the carrying handles on the Isetta.... 😀
  7. Is? Or was... 🤔
  8. Film shorts were fond of workers at height! It was interesting to see cattle being herded across Lime Street... I had seen the 1896 film of Liverpool
  9. However, the victim probably has some questions to answer.
  10. And the wheels/rails at the bottom had a railway origin...
  11. "Up a bit, left a bit, left, left, left... FIRE!!!" 🤪 The Soviets thought Sputnik stopped working when its battery went flat. WE know better....
  12. I have several family albums of photos, many of which look exactly like your first photo. None are named, and I have no idea who they are! On the other hand, I have a photo of my maternal grandmother, aged 17, holding her baby sister, aged 17 weeks. Nowadays, such a juxtaposition would be "Mother and child"....
  13. It'll be the remake of "The Man Who Walked Up A Hill And Came Down With A Haggis"
  14. Down Down - Status Quo
  15. Did that one yesterday in the forum jokes thread!
  16. I always tell the truth, that Yeti is parked at the end of my driveway*. Its up to the insurers to believe me, or inspect GoogleEarth to see how long the driveway is... * My garage is too narrow for any car built after 1970!
  17. You've just got to grin and (poly)bear it.....
  18. As they say, pride cometh before a fall. Look out, there's a Nemesis* about! ION I've been out in the garden, planting some bedding plants, but I gave up because a beetle (and possibly its friends and relations) was trying to make a home in my lug'ole! * Not me, you understand, my role is more that of the prophetess in Up Pompeii....
  19. Its almost like a "Three hobbits and an elf walk into a bar" joke https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cxr3lw3elk4o
  20. Despite it being rather grey and not that warm, there's an ICE CREAM VAN trolling about...
  21. Pity it wasn't a dead, drunk driver.
  22. Even assuming a typo, 25 grandsprogs would be going it. Unless the original sprog was a lad and spread his oats about a bit...
  23. Quite sensible, you don't want one of those diving up your trouser leg....
  24. Not a happy looking person.
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