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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. Its probably seasonal, normal services will be resumed shortly....
  2. Nice to see many old Triang models emerging from the mists of time....
  3. Eeep!!! The pantographs make it look like a drone. No need for points, the loco just runs around the train vertically....
  4. Another clash between the teachings of the Celtic church and the Church of Rome was at the Synod of Whitby, where the Northumbrians decided to follow the customs and practices of Rome rather than that of the Ionian monks. This was reported in the writings of the Venomous Bede (cf Sellar and Yeatman, 1066 And All That) some 50 years after the event took place. Of course, Bede wasn't biased, oh no no no no no......
  5. So it really did go "Sumer is icomin in, lewedly sing cucu"... Those Naughty Monks!
  6. At least its not a Spiral Scratch.... B'dum, b'dum! (I've been sidetracked the past couple of weeks by guests and cakeboxes. Its nice to return to Holy Orders and Railway Modelling.....)
  7. Yes, thats what I almost remembered - of course, that's the tunnel as built, with the lowered roadbed. I'll have a look to see where I saw the tramway picture. I've a feeling that I must have seen it in a book about the construction of the Queensway tunnel, its in my library somewhere....
  8. The back of the tunnel tickets, in the old, old, old days used to have a cross sectional diagram showing the trams running under the roadway. However, that was only a suggestion in the early design phase. As built, the roadway was lowered to allow taller vehicles to use the l/h lanes, thus reducing the space under the road deck. It was subsequently used for extra ventilation, and cross river utilities.
  9. Nothing material to add to my thread, now heading towards the Third Division, but I did get a couple of regulation cake boxes for dimension checking. X and Y are fine (phew!) and there's a few mm to be trimmed from Z, but that was to be expected, as the warehouse is currently 6" tall, standing on a piece of 3mm foamboard! Onwards and Downwards, Mes Braves! Phase 3 bodgery to occur shortly....... (Those people presenting marvellously constructed pieces in short order are true modellers. I'm just an approximate modeller...)
  10. Thats almost as bad as trying to get the water to go uphill on my Clepsydra....
  11. Tsk.... I suppose he'd been drinking indifferently well too!
  12. Picked up a copy from my local newsagents, half a doz on the top shelf, next to a few copies of MRJ! "No. 103 November 2017". Its almost as bad as Nationalisation...... Oh well, I'll peruse it with a nice mug of drinking chocolate and some giant shortbread fingers this evening, accompanied by the local loons setting off 100 shot firework boxes in competition with each other.
  13. Its usually only big Audis that tailgate that close...... Looking really good!
  14. Will the small SAEs end up in the GWR concrete bin? I suppose the likelihood of ongoing specials depends on how many SAEs they get. Better send one in. folks!
  15. The H class is a lovely looking loco, Hornby has got a nice shiny brass effect on the dome, unlike the Oxford effort on the Dean Goods. I hope the forthcoming Hattons P class has an equally shiny dome......
  16. Go on! Have a look at mine, its a pretty low bar!
  17. Hogwarts Castle could be at the buffer stops..... Levity (and upsetting the Warner IP bulldogs...) aside, KX in a cakebox is a cracking idea!
  18. At one time I had to make a regular journey from Liverpool Lime Street to Wigan North Western, invariably on a Merseyrail Pacer service. Taking about 50 minutes to make the trip (on a good day when the wind and rain were not against us), the sheer agony of that jolting cart must have taken years off my spine. You may think you hate the rattletrap contraptions, but compared to my hatred, yours is but a mild disapproval! Its a pity that the old Jeremy Clarkson Top Gear couldn't have done something with a pacer, instead of confining themselves to their mildly irrational dislike of caravans....
  19. You'd have to have something a bit more effective than the HST yellow markers at the platform edges if you didn't want a rash of toasted commuters! (Also its possibly probably DEFINITELY out of gauge...)
  20. Zero 1 & Airfix's MTC. The Betamax and Phillips N15xx of model railways...
  21. Perhaps the section of the rail should be treated as for metallurgical inspection? Ideal for a Senior Engineer....
  22. Jump! Jump!!! Its looking good!
  23. Terrific stuff, but it SHOULD be twice as powerful - put a Princess Coronation next to it and the Princess would look like a RH&D loco would against the Princess! Nice pic, though!
  24. Crumbs!!! All these eager beavers and my thread is half-way down the second division, a result that I'm not going to be able to rectify any time soon, as I had guests last weekend, guests next weekend and the space intervening is occupied by cleaning up after the last lot and readying things for the next. Oh well, Nil Desperandum, as they might say in Durovernum Cantiacorum!
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