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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. A rhyme the more "advanced" children used to recite at primary school... Hey diddle diddle The cat did a piddle All over the kitchen mat. The little dog laughed to see such fun And he piddled all over the cat! Simpler times, eh?
  2. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Pennies and tuppences consist mainly of steel nowadays. I've a 2p that got left out in the garden for a couple of years, its now an expanded lump of delaminating rust with the remains of the "copper" plating on the outside. I think it might have been made from recycled British Leyland cars. Perhaps there's some Allegro, or Metro in it. Any coppers chucked in the cut'll turn to dust pretty promptly...
  3. Apart from the predicted rainfall, its remarkably similar to parts of the UK.... 🙃
  4. Very nice! Re: your comparison with an Airfix kit, it certainly looks like something that comes out of Dapol using the old Airfix tooling.... As an illustration and that I'm not trying to be sarky.
  5. There's also tales doing the rounds that there's a vast mountain of unsellable three or four year "old" BEVs because their batteries are carp and it'll cost too much to replace them, so no one will buy 'em. I'm waiting to see what Skoda pulls out of the hat in the way of a relatively inexpensive BEV in the next couple of years. My current Skoda diesel is getting elderly and may soon start clocking up MOT costs.
  6. Hroth

    MRJ 303

    Tomorrow pencilled in to get a copy from my "local" newsvendor.... Got it! Now slated for an initial read through this afternoon, with a muggatea and something called a "Portugese Custard Tart"...
  7. Very gnomic..... 🤔 ION Spent most of the morning lying flat on my back, currently feels a little better. Bluddy garden....
  8. The weather-wranglers "say" that its going to get warmer and sunny through the week, peaking on Saturday with predicted low 20s. Sunday onwards, the rain is due to make a comeback, with temperatures dipping towards the mid teens... Here its greyish with occasional sun, a light breeze and slightly warmish. No precipitation in sight. ION I may have mentioned this earlier in the week, but I did some digging and planting over the bank holiday weekend, subsequently I've put my back out, "only" lower back muscle strain but its giving me gyp. Gardening should come with a public health warning... I knew there was a reason why I've always hated the activity!
  9. Yes. I thought it would have had a reasonable bilge pump but obviously it wasn't up to much. Turned out that the return coolant hose on the port engine had slipped off and the engine had been busy filling the bilges... At least he had the sense to get out of the shipping channel! If you've seen the similar mountain rescue programme, they were the equivalent of doing a spot of fell walking in tshirts, jeans and flipflops.
  10. Being a stunt double to Putin in Russia must be a dangerous position...
  11. Apparently it was included in Semifinal 1 as a taster for the main competition, possibly to encourage others to vote for it on Saturday. As one of the big contributors to Eurovision, the UK has right of entry into the final no matter what... I often suspect that the UK entry is intentionally naff so the UK doesn't get anywhere near winning and the cost of putting on the next years show falls on the shoulders of some other country who has drawn the short straw. The UK got lumbered last year because the UK entry came second and Ukraine couldn't host for security reasons. This years entry is not likely to get so close to the winners podium!
  12. At least screws are "easier" to remove than trying to unclip a bodyshell*.... * You have to have the fingernails for it!
  13. Its amazing how a powder-coated finish flakes off after a year or so outdoors, I'm going to need a new bird feeder soon...
  14. Watched a bit of the Eurovision Song Contest Semifinal1. Then I switched over to BBC2 and watched the RNLI sorting people out on the water, much more interesting!
  15. Perhaps you should phrase it as "12 weeks before I'm shot of them...". 🤔
  16. Hroth

    EBay madness

    I think its meant to be the NBR 10800 prototype, rather than a 15 or a 16. 🤔 Heljan make them and Kernow are selling them for £184 + delivery. https://www.kernowmodelrailcentre.com/p/75286/1081-Heljan-North-British-Prototype-Diesel-Locomotive-10800# Think I'd pay the extra £44 and get a proper model, rather than a Frankenloco! IF I wanted one!
  17. Hroth

    MRJ 303

    I've not a clue what my Eng Lit set book was. For many reasons, that period in my life is now safely locked away in the vault of Forgetfulness...
  18. And how much salt is in the tissue paper? 🤔 🤪
  19. Some of the most violent and sadistic sods in prison appear to have a soft spot for cuddly animals. I suspect the baby monkeys fall into this category, and provided they get hold of the information about the sadistic scrotes*, then when they are banged up, there will be some sort of extra-curricular punishment. * Good mugshots and names on the telly and on line (BBC website) will do. They'll probably get bitter full page denunciations in the more vitriolic tabloid press too.
  20. Hroth

    EBay madness

    The only GBL locos I've turned into running models were the Western and Class 47 models, which happened to be copies of the respective Lima models and provided an almost painless livery change for the 47 for a Hornby TTS 47. The Western was a bit odd as the chassis of the GBL model was an exact copy of the Lima chassis. As I remember, with just a bit of fettling, a spare Lima motor bogie and trailing bogie slotted into the chassis and bingo, a working Western. All in all, the Western was a bit heavier than a genuine Lima (even with its chunk of mild steel) and took some careful driving as it carried some momentum with the power off....
  21. Hroth

    EBay madness

    But a bit closer to the mark than the ebay headline... 🤪
  22. Another good cheese'n'jam combination is crumbly Cheshire cheese with blackcurrant jam.
  23. Hroth

    EBay madness

    But it has the same number of wheels, if not in the right order... What beats me is that its described very clearly on its plinth!
  24. It may claim to be "First", but it won't be the last....
  25. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Before the GBL series was issued, the occasional scrapyard loco that appeared was generally a less well regarded Triang/Hornby model*, probably running, under all the dross. Once the GBL locos appeared, we've been submerged under a tidal wave of unbelievable scrappers. At least not many repairable locos have been molested since! * I bought an old tooling China made B12 as a ""scrapper" for a pittance, it looks like a neglected, heavily weathered loco just before being withdrawn. It runs perfectly!
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