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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. None at all - just don't tell Regularity that it was designed by Ramsbottom....
  2. If you must. Like Nearholmer I've been playing trains too, on the roundy as its too late to lay even proprietary track for my Minories style terminus. Nothing pre-grouping, just a 108 DMU on the outer circuit (lights'n'all) and a Lima 94xx lugging a rake of LMS bogie GUVs and a full brake on the inner. Prototype? Eras? Who cares!!!
  3. As I was going down the stair, I met a man who wasn't there. He wasn't there again today, I wish that man would go away! As for non-existent* artistic expression, may I draw your attention to 4' 33" by John Cage? * Ok, it exists, but you know what I mean......
  4. Now you know why dolphins and porpioses are always grinning......
  5. Pre-raffs - the new witch hunt........ Sad that the New Puritans have to dig so deep to find a new subject to be outraged by. Their brains seem to lack a "context filter" so that anything that exhibits the undraped human form, male or (especially) female is now deemed to be pornographic and unsuitable for public display. Having performed (at great risk to my moral self) a count, I find that "Hylas and the Nymphs" is equivalent to 3 OSNCTI or "Old Sun Page 3s". Its a pretty minimal titillation level. In addition the ferns and associated greenery clearly label it as High Art. If Hylas had been kneeling on the edge of an equivalently populated jacuzzi, it would have been a completely different matter! We must Strike Back against this Prudery!!! Of course, Waterhouse seemed to produce a lot of tempting young women..... Personally, I suspect that Manchester Art Museum has a Pre-raff exhibition up its sleeve, and the withdrawl of Hylas et al is just a bit of attention grabbing...
  6. My penn'orth after a quick scan through preceding posts for prior duplication.... The Birkenhead Tramway Offices on Laird Street still exist, though the tram sheds are long gone. The site is still used for public transport, being an Arriva depot. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@53.3992181,-3.0495158,3a,75y,24.69h,91.49t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s2n4cqfUC3qpL_QNmHhkSNg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
  7. I bow incline my head in acknowledgment of your superior expertise.....
  8. TMI But if there are no cliffs about, there are always the wellies....
  9. You mean its balancing on the driver axle? And looking at the way the spokes are blurred, it seems to be slipping something chronic! Perhaps they've run out of sand, or its the wrong kind of leaves....
  10. Does the smoking chimney belong to the glueworks in the background?
  11. What rivet? Its as smooth as a... ummm... thing that is very smooth! Enough of that, we can't have any twinkling going on here! And finally, Mr Ed. Congrats - glad to think we've been able to drive you to the modelling bench, if only to get away from all the rambling here!
  12. Hroth

    MRJ 260

    So tis a holiday beyond the Pale this year, clutching a copy of GWRJ to prevent confusion with Gold Bearing Norman Barons?
  13. According to Hattons listing, it should be a Hornby Peckett R3615.... (fingers crossed!)
  14. After the disappointment of last week (the SECR livery P getting put back to May), I'm looking forward to getting my plain black Barclay towards the end of March! Its going to be "Small Loco Month" from March to May......
  15. Phosphoric acid is wonderful stuff. As well as being a constituent of various colas, it'll dissolve tooth enamel and can be used to selectively reduce the diameter of stainless steel wire! At least the brand-leading cola stopped incorporating cocaine in its formula in 1904........
  16. Redone link works as it should. Perhaps you were still logged in to youtube when you grabbed the link?
  17. Pretty! But I've still got to wait until May for the SECR version... btw when I click on the link, I get a Google login demand. If I open youtube then search for 323 Horstead Keynes you get it without the strongarming. Odd!
  18. Hroth

    MRJ 260

    My Great Aunt lived in Birkdale near to Ginger McCains stables and the horses used to be walked down her road for exercise on the beach. She would dart out with her shovel for any "libations" to put on her rhubarb and roses. Its a fair bet that we ate rhubarb tarts who's existence was assisted by Red Rum.....
  19. Hroth

    MRJ 260

    It was quite common for the carter to walk alongside the horse, its possibly easier to guide the horse that way, especially in crowded yards or busy streets. And with a heavy load the horse isn't going to be going at a speed that outpaces the carter! I've seen several photos of carters leading their horses, though I suppose when there isn't a load present.....
  20. You could go the whole hog and have it oil-fired. Or a self-cleaning smokebox supplemented with smaller access hatches on the sides of the smokebox....
  21. Looks like a Dean Goods boiler slung between two 43xx chassis. There'd be no puff to drive 'em! What would make more sense would be a Saint boiler and firebox, or even the Great Bears monster...
  22. I think the GWR built some larger coal wagons* after WW1 to modernise the transport of minerals, but the Private Owners wouldn't have anything to do with it - it would have meant scrapping all their stock and buying new, and there wasn't that much profit in coal at the time. * I thnk mechanical handling might have been possible too. Just think MGRs with a 28xx at the head in the 1920s!
  23. Hmmmmmm... Only just fits in the loading gauge too..... But ver' nice!
  24. Hroth

    MRJ 260

    Sobriquet, sobriquet??? Oh... I thought you were talking about iced desserts......
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