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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. Its what androids dream of...
  2. Missed the AB on Friday as I didn't know it was a thing until Saturday morning, and Saturday was a no-show too, because of thick cloud. Boo! Did see the Manx ferry and the Mersey ferry* exchanging grunts at the Mersey Narrows from New Brighton, and a very fine sunset through the windfarm... Calm, warm and sunny at present. Rain is indicated from 17:00 and a spot of thunder at 18:00 (ish) * Snowdrop, the dazzlepainted one. It had been on a "cruise" out to the Bar and was returning.
  3. Apparently. They both use rhe same technology and a fly zapper can be converted into a static grass applicator using a fine sieve and a minimal amount of ingenuity! I've recently read a comment about the possible adverse effects of using static grass applicators.
  4. With the tennis racquet zappers, you have to pause occasionally to tap out the smoking corpses. Also, I'm convinced that the targets can hear the whine of the electronic inverter that produces the zapping current, allowing them to evade your strike.... Also, apparently the device might have an effect on heart pacemakers.
  5. Thank god the episode isn't currently available.
  6. Onslow and Mr Bucket were the characters I liked most, otherwise it was a "comedy" I avoided.
  7. Flogging my brain to remember "Onslow". Its too warm, that's what it is....
  8. If its going to be a string vest, the hat should be a baseball cap, worn back to front...
  9. I was being optimistic... So long as there's something to propel it, and something holding up the rear!
  10. Or: "We're thinking of converting this one to an Atlantic, the screw keeps falling out...."
  11. You can tell its getting close to Summer, my Galilean thermometer has dropped two balls...
  12. Is that what those "bungs" are for?
  13. Beer? That looks like a rather "worrying" urine sample...
  14. ION There's a Fraggle Rock tramway layout in the June RM....
  15. Isn't there that horrible little island that they would send uppity transportees to for punishment? We could send you there... The hanging would be reserved for those with double-barreled names.
  16. Can't Stop The Boogie - B. One
  17. Marketed for farmers as a work beast, then hose out the grot inside and go out for the evening...
  18. A pity they don't hang such miscreants at Wapping any more.... ION Against my better judgement, I did some more "gardening" this afternoon, despite my back still twinging, as something needed to be done with the remaining bedding plants. These have been distributed in a trough and in a couple of terracotta planters, rather than their originally designated home. Now thats done, I'll shortly make a muggatea and page through MRJ 303, while munching a "Portugese Custard Tart". Its a hard life, but someone has to suffer it!
  19. So that's the origin of the Triang Giraffe car.... 🤔
  20. Very good! But where are the pickups? 🤔 🙃🙃🙃
  21. Hroth

    EBay madness

    The branch closes on 8th July - they had a notice in the window. Bustards! We're going to get one of those "Banking Hub" thingies, where the "big" banks will have a drone in attendance once a week* for face to face consultations and a post office countery thing for cash and cheque** transactions. Probably some generic cash machines*** too. There might be one of those ripoff Coinstar machines for "convenience". * Until they discontinue the service because "nobody uses it". ** Aimed at pensioners, apparently. That'll probably go too. *** It'll eventually become a cash machine only operation.
  22. Hroth

    EBay madness

    I've got jars of coppers dating back to then, so it might be worth my while to sift the proper money out before dumping them at the bank, before it gets shut down....
  23. Hroth

    EBay madness

    If you have a jar full of coppers, it might be worth going through them with a magnet and keeping the real bronze ones. Eventually the scrap value might exceed the face value!
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