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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. Not wheels, but castors....
  2. That's ok, its a bit different and doesn't run on parallel strips of metal!
  3. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Described as "Stunning". Not wrong there...
  4. Nice trotters! Oh, they're hands...
  5. Too many have been out and about, they've all got Avian Flu and should be culled.....
  6. I'm glad YOU said that...
  7. Surely the bean's would be on toa'st? 🤔
  8. You probably got the portal for the Hotel California by mistake...
  9. It could be something like "The Shepherd" by Fredrick Forsyth, where an out of fuel Vampire with no instruments or radio is guided down to a moribund RAF base by a ghostly Mosquito... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Shepherd
  10. Raining here already, if there was going to be a Northern Lights display, it'll be on the other side of the clouds.... Never mind, this'll do as a replacement service! Mmmmmmmmmmmmm Annie.....
  11. Definitely explains a lot of things..... 🤪 Ok, I'll admit it, I was listening to Wizzard doing "Angel Fingers".....
  12. Angel Fingers - Wizzard
  13. Didn't realise that there was a half-barrier there, its a rather oddly angled thing! And as the road sight lines are terrible, someones going to try nipping through sooner or later...
  14. Speak up! Can't hear what you're saying......
  15. And if the runway is labelled anything else, you've made a terrible, terrible mistake....
  16. I wonder if the iSouls app is available in the Apple Store. 🤔
  17. Apparently "magnetic north" is moving towards Russian territory. Putin will want to prevent the Evil West from using it...
  18. Its not very nice to get butter on your kecks...
  19. I've not listened to the Shipping Forecast for ages, Nowadays I try to be well asleep by time "Sailing By" appears over the horizon... Just checked our "actual" forecast... Easterly or southeasterly 4 or 5, occasionally 6 at first in west, decreasing 2 to 4 later. Smooth or slight, becoming slight or moderate for a time. Rain. Moderate or good, occasionally poor. It applies to Fraggle Rock too. 🙃 (It helps to remember the sequence of the information phrases too: Wind direction and strength, Sea state, Weather, Visibility)
  20. The 3 part series was about an dig on a previously unexplored part of Pompeii. Again, it was a bit over-inflated and could have been done in two 1 hour episodes. I got the impression that because there was so much going on at the site before the eruption that with the builders there, nothing else was going on. The main thrust of the programmes was interpretation of what each room would be used for, not that this was the case on the day of the eruption. There were a number of conclusions drawn about the bodies found in the small room that I felt uncomfortable about. Slaves? Probably. Locked in? A supposition without much evidence. It COULD be said that they were unable to make an escape in time and took shelter in what looked like a sturdy refuge, and were killed when the roof collapsed under the weight of the ejecta. At least they didn't get burned alive when the pyroclastic flow arrived. I also felt that classical slavery was being interpreted through the prism of the African slave experience, which is unhelpful. Slavery is slavery, but we don't have enough information to compare the conditions. But it was interesting!
  21. I'm not entirely sure about the anatomy of a Porch, but don't they keep an oil cooler radiator down there? 🤔 If so, that would explain the tool selection... Apart from that its a very silly picture. 🤪
  22. Currently sunny with clouds gathering around the edges, light wind, warmish. Rain is promised by the Met Office from 5pm, and from 2pm by the BBC seaweed observers. Oh Joy! I just thought, my first sentence was verging on a Shipping Forecast report from coastal stations style...
  23. NEVER speak to the press, and if you have to NEVER give them your name!
  24. There was a programme about trying to read the Herculaneum scrolls (charred to carbonised swiss rolls by Vesuvius in 79AD) on Ch5 at 9pm. It would have been a decent half-hour programme, but was padded out by programme makers dross to an hour. The big reveal was that after much effort, one word was deciphered.... Then the programme ended!
  25. "It makes it difficult for computers". Oh, that's alright then.
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