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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. Hroth

    EBay madness

    He was much better in The Navy Lark...
  2. Just browsing through the Aldi leaflet for next week. They are offering their own-brand Gin in a "paper" bottle. Its supposed to be eco-friendly... How long do you have before the gin eats its way out?🤔
  3. I know its Thomas, I just hope they're not going to burn it!
  4. But thats just a Green engine masquerading as a Red engine in its dotage.
  5. She Moved Through The Fair - Pentangle
  6. Mmmmmmmm.... There's nothing better than a deeply plunging decolletage.... @polybear Don't go anywhere near Leamington Spa today, the place is hosting the British Tarantula Society convention. Lots of black furry legs!!!
  7. The whole point with cucumber sarnies is that the crusts must be cut off too. btw have you SEEN the price of cucumbers nowadays?
  8. I was out last night so I recorded Rebus and haven't had an opportunity to view it yet. I must say that there have been a number of new series recently that have been previous favourites and which I've found to be unengaging, possibly due to recasting and new directors with radical ideas on trajectory and emphasis... I shall proceed with caution!
  9. "Thomas the Train"??? 🤔
  10. Its when he starts rambling on about his etchings....
  11. I've had results by listening politely to their speil for a minute then announcing that I don't need double-glazing and shut the door. Its also fun to fight fire with fire and say that you already have a personal friend in Jesus before shutting the door firmly. HH: Small engines, but beautifully formed. If you like red coloured engines...
  12. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Its the residual distrust of too much learning, of those clever beggars who know more than you do. As the vice-chancellor of my university said while shaking my hand as he awarded me my MSc, "I hope it was worth it". Its not what you want to hear, and no, it wasn't... A Doctorate is a "Floppy Hat" degree because the academic dress includes a soft Tudor bonnet, rather than the hard mortar board of a Bachelors or Masters degree.
  13. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Surely it would now be Dr Miss Riding Floppy Hat? 🤔
  14. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Not many, apparently only 5000 kits were sold as as they were a bit more expensive than the usual "mad scientist" chemistry sets* that were sold in the USA. Some Universities bought them... * Some of the chemicals provided in US chemistry sets were a bit lethal. UK Merit chemistry sets of the time contained magnesium ribbon, but that was about as far as we were provided with!
  15. All Along The Watchtower - The Jimi Hendrix Experience
  16. Crazy Horses - The Osmonds
  17. Get Down On It - Kool & The Gang
  18. Novels of Napoleonic naval war often speak of exchanging broadsides at a cables distance. To the modern reader, it sounds a comfortable distance, but if you think 600 FEET away from the business end of a row of 32 pounders about to go bang? Puts it in perspective..... Oh well, its closer to shipping disasters.
  19. Well, the 10 bob note certainly weighed less and had less chance of wearing a hole in your pocket! Thread drift? Whats that? 🤔
  20. Where's the nearest shower...
  21. Not just that, how many bottles of wine will it contain? Is it any good for quaffing*? 🤔 * ie what proportion will go into the mouth, and how much will run down ye chest?
  22. Conwy station has gone downhill since the illustration on the cover of "The London & North Western Railway" by OS Nock... The rolling stock hasn't improved either!
  23. "multiply FORTH Go" in rPn.... It doesn't sound the same.
  24. Hroth

    EBay madness

    The Americans were on point with that... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gilbert_U-238_Atomic_Energy_Laboratory I had an American book of things to do (early 60s?) , which encouraged vivisection. You could make two headed planaria by slitting their heads lengthwise and cause tadpoles to mutate by lacing their water with thyroxine.....
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