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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. The chair has to grin and bear it, the dogs have to keep their wits about them, like the one leaping off the chair to avoid being squashed...
  2. Reminds me of Terry Pratchetts discussion* of how a concoction to turn people into zombies was discovered.... * In "The Last Continent"**, I think. ** Not about Australia, its claimed...
  3. Then there's that mushroom, believed to have aphrodisiac properties . Or work like viagra... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phallus_impudicus
  4. There's a Poison Garden at Alnwick in Northumberland. https://www.alnwickgarden.com/the-garden/poison-garden/ Dunno about spiders, but a colony of Adders might spice things up!
  5. Hroth

    EBay madness

    You could always buy a Dapol Schools kit and build your own! https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/355716044983 Cheaper and more fun than buying a flocked relic. Though why you'd want one is an outstanding question...
  6. It may not catch fire, but you'll cook evenly all over!
  7. They're doing well!
  8. An earlier incarnation of Darth Vader? You'll certainly be breathing like him if you have to move quickly! Should have got the hat and some silver painted knitted "mail"...
  9. It's All In The Game - Four Tops
  10. I feel sorry for the two dogs. Sorry, three...
  11. The Sixth Circle of Hell, I expect. https://historylists.org/art/9-circles-of-hell-dantes-inferno.html
  12. Hroth

    EBay madness

    So does the link! Perhaps the siding is next to a farmers field and he's been muckspreading...
  13. Given his beliefs, I wonder if he will be upset when he finds where his new domicile will be.... (hissss......)
  14. Oh, I WANT one of those!!! Not so much a mess, more a fine pink mist... ION Speaking of constipation, as it were, some kind dog-exerciser has allowed their pooch to do a load of slurry on a patch of grass that I was going to eliminate this morning, and not bothered to remove it. Its just where the postie might step when approaching the front door and I'LL now have to clean it up. As some say around here, turdycurses..... Moved the dogmuck ✅ Another item off the list. Not one I expected...
  15. Though it may sometimes be an inch or so off due to Metric-Imperial conversion errors!
  16. Thanks to the release of TT:120 to the model trade, Hornby are churning out the starter sets in large quantities. The Easterner set in particular is also starting to attract OO levels of discounting. Thanks to that, I've just taken delivery of one of the new batch for just under £175* from one of the keen retailers. its #404/2500... * Thats equivalent to an A4 and one coach, sold individually.
  17. Semi-aware on a semi-sunny morning. I have a "list" of things to do pinned on the corkboard in the kitchen, if I don't get many done during the day then they just roll over to tomorrow, and so on... (Accept parcel from Royal Mail ✅) That's one off the list! Hurrah!
  18. The 24th of May used to be Empire Day, was possibly transmuted into Commonwealth Day (I've not looked up) and is nowadays completely ignored, as is St Georges Day/Shakespeares Birthday on the 23rd April. We're not allowed to celebrate such things nowadays, I can see Bonfire Night going next...
  19. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Because they're concerned about saying you'll feel "a little prick"?
  20. Again? 🤔 🤪🤪🤪
  21. Hroth


    Yep, I thought "Avro Vulcan".....
  22. My Eyes Adored You - Frankie Valli
  23. Somewhere between Liverpool Exchange and Southport Lord Street, perhaps towards Aintree or Ormskirk, given the period. Services towards Hunts Cross only started in the mid 70s when the loop line and repurposing of Liverpool Central and the electrification of the CLC line to Hunts Cross was completed.
  24. Quick rather than sloe gin? 🤔 🤪🤪🤪
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