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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. Hroth

    EBay madness

    From people who follow ebay listings - they see a genuine Hornby example and, as theirs looks vaguely similar... Wolla! Price inflation! No ok. They've found a genuine Hornby box for their sad little thing (Look, it fits the tray) and priced accodingly. Mendacious Chiselleling at its finest! Well, I've seen the Dingle tunnelmouth many times, halfway up the cliff face, and it looks NOTHING like that!!! 🤪🤪🤪 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liverpool_Overhead_Railway_Southern_Extension_Tunnel
  2. Cake! I knew there was something I'd forgotten... 🤪
  3. Hroth

    EBay madness

    But it's RARE*. Well, that's the vendors opinion and he'll price accordingly! * But not L@@K RARE!!!
  4. Seeing as we've passed midnight, I've now completed another lap around the Sun. Wheeeee!!! Its going faster and faster.....
  5. Nights In White Satin - The Moody Blues
  6. A suitable campaign song for any party willing to take it on.... Of course, there would have to be some work done on lyric localisation and so on, but that shouldn't take too long...
  7. It might all end up like this
  8. Long dead, but still much appreciated. Apart from the modern residents of Slough...
  9. Welcome Home - Peters and Lee
  10. Its remarkably cool and grey here, and looks like rain. I'm going to put a jumper on! 11:11 - time for Elevenses....
  11. Although John Betjeman claimed that he was not being "nostalgic and impractical", the film rapidly turns into a threnody for the glories of times and branch lines past. Its also illuminating about commonplaces of his own time, the hated lorry bumping over the level crossing, the Warship and its train hurtling through Highbridge for all points West, and the vandalised GWR autocoach, apparently trashed by 'Teds. I stopped viewing after that, I'll wait to see the rest large-screen on the telly!
  12. They could have referred to Jeremy Hunt. Even the Today programme on Radio 4 couldn't get his name right...
  13. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Thankfully, I've not been made an offer, but I do feel a little left out!
  14. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Its highly likely!
  15. Picking one in particular, #13 might have been horribly misused in the Horizon IT scandal. Its a can of worms to be sure...
  16. Hroth

    EBay madness

    But I'm rather puzzled by his depiction of Caledonian 123 as a discarded scrapyard loco. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/204546590480 Its almost as if he doesn't have a clue about railway history!
  17. They should never have got rid of the big slow ships that could cope with Irish Sea weather! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TSS_Manx_Maid_(1962) Built just across the Mersey at Cammel Lairds too!
  18. Wasn't the offence called "riding furiously"?
  19. Hroth

    EBay madness

    At least the price appears to be dropping!
  20. Hmmmmm... Looks like the rain has stopped!
  21. This is important. THREAD DRIFT IS MANDATORY!!!
  22. Not much better here. At least its not complicated by insane motorcyclists.....
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