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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. A Hard Rain's Gonna Fall - Bob Dylan
  2. Then she lifted the glass jar above her head, and... DROPPED IT on the hard floor. Result! 😁
  3. Looks like indexing is on the blink in ER again. I've three notifications into ER and they all land on a page I haven't posted on! Lets see if this post wakes things up... 🤪 Yep! It worked!
  4. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Also, if the wagon wasn't constructed using UHU, then what they were using it for... 🤔
  5. Cheese Rolling Day? Hurrah!!! It merits a BBC Live! report? 🤔 What does concern me are the people and organisations who want it banned on various grounds.
  6. With all this talk about flying, I must admit that I've never flown anywhere for holidays or business. In fact, the only time I've flown at all was on a light aircraft piloted by a friend who had a PPL, and that was from Speke airport when the old control tower and hangers were still in use! As a family, we holidayed on our narrowboat and traversed the majority of the navigable canals in England. For a time, my mental map of the geography of England was skewed by an appreciation of how long it took to get to anywhere by canal...
  7. The only problem is that it looks nothing LIKE an A4! 🤪 Whoosh....
  8. Only The Lonely - Roy Orbison
  9. Its been damp in the early hours, and the forecast is sunny spells with showers. Typical BH weather! May go out later...
  10. I was disappointed by Mr Beans lack of enterprise. Perhaps his car is close to a parts replacement penalty, and the calculation was to take this one easy and take the hit on a track where he can overtake at will. Oh well...
  11. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Not just pen lids, but UHU glue caps... Anyway, you can get similar wagons new from Dapol for the same price or less. Admittedly you'd have to source yout own load.....
  12. Love Is In The Air - John Paul Young
  13. Daisies WERE being pushed up between the patio slabs???🤔 Uh-oh! 🤪 Never trust a patio....
  14. The quintessential Monaco Procession. The only exciting thing was the first lap crash!
  15. They do tend to repeat frequently...
  16. We had a referendum a few years back, it didn't turn out too well...
  17. Have you got a patio too? 🤔
  18. If Iron Minks were unavailable, would a Siphon suffice? 🤔
  19. Its almost as if a certain political party doesn't want to win the election... The return of National Service
  20. The ad for the MG3 Hybrid seems to indicate that the car emits multi-coloured bubbles...
  21. Proper green like the GWR, or the odd, soapy greens preferred by the likes of the Southern and LNER? Or that sort of bronze green favoured by the Highland Railway? 🤔 Exit, stage left..... 🤪🤪🤪
  22. What it means is that Mr Bean will have the red mist in his eyes and his elbows out, trying to bully his way through the cars in front, whether its possible to overtake at any corner or not. With any luck, he'll take himself out. I just hope he doesn't take anyone else out with him.
  23. A foot-the-ball match?🤔 Who won? 🤪 All I know is that they were both nominally Manc teams, equally steeped in moral terpitude and infamy!
  24. I recently noticed that one number came up with the text "Nuisance?" but others have not. Is there a key to press to confirm that it is a nuisance call?
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