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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. Lawyers are lazy beggars.....
  2. ION Listning to a cellist scurrying through the first part of Elgars Cello Concerto, meanwhile outside its a cool grey morn, dry with a moderate breeze. Currently, I'm psyching myself up for an appointment with fear/the fang farrier...
  3. Wow! A cardboard BOX!!! 🤪
  4. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Yes, probably that was the one, I wasn't really listening to the commentary. Perhaps you should have fitted bonnet straps? 🤔
  5. The only thing to do before the crashed vehicle brewed up. In olden days, ambulances weren't crewed by highly trained paramedics, the best that could be hoped for would be a driver and assistant trained in rudimentary first aid. The ambulance was just the "quickest" way to get the injured to hospital, bells ringing, for attention in Casualty, though DOA was a common outcome. Like many other technical developments that came from motor racing, I suppose roadside casualty treatment also benefited from the need to help racing drivers after high speed crashes. See Archie the Ambulance on page 10 of the Ladybird book "Tootles the Taxi"... It was a different world.
  6. Reminds me of the old joke. Harry and Ruth went for a ride on his motorbike, they hit a bump in the road, and Harry rode on ruthlessly.....
  7. Hroth

    EBay madness

    I thought it looked more like it was off a Triang/Hornby BoB. As for the sad Moggy, in the wrong* hands, they can shift. There was one on a police chase programme on one of the Ch5 derivatives that outran a high-spec police car around s dodgy estate. It was found abandoned..... * Someone who doesn't give a damn about the poor things mechanicals.
  8. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Pyss*-taking is done by those who want to replace what heritage we have with something "relevant"... * Is this what is referred to as "vowel-shifting"? 🤔
  9. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Ohhhh painful... But that's not a pole, it's a post, a lamp post!
  10. Good lord! That looks to be at about the same level as Aldis cheapest "fruit" jam. You have to read the ingredients list, in small print, on the back, to determine which cheap fruit was used to concoct the particular batch. I suppose that Morrisons offer contains just over 50% mushy strawberries. What else would be up to the imagination and the ingredients list... Good luck! Just thought, it would be ideal for making wasp traps...
  11. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Apart from the pole dancing ones? 🤔 It might be worse, it could be morris dancing! 😃
  12. The sprouts aren't properly secured either... 🤔
  13. Hope the permanent way work wasn't a factor in the derailment! https://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/liverpool-news/west-kirby-services-cancelled-after-29203304
  14. The low speed of the returning light engines must have been common as it failed to attract any comment, critical or otherwise. It may be that it was purely a fuel economy measure. No doubt it would be possible to water the locos at Hawes Jct if required, but coaling would be a different matter. So to proceed at a reasonable rate, without chucking coal into the firebox, producing excessive steam, would be sensible. Also, 25mph would be around the average speed for an unfitted goods train. Two light engines wasn't a "productive" move, so why go faster?
  15. Sing cucu! And as we are reminded by another medieval song... According to current weather forecasts, the rain will be back with us by mid-week.... "Sing cucu" also reminds me that another thing they had at Little Moreton Hall today was house martins nesting in the eaves, dashing about and making a terrible racket!
  16. Just got back in from my first summer jaunt! Visited Little Moreton Hall near Congleton in Cheshire. Apart from the Hall, which can give lessons to the wonky pub in terms of bendiness, the most interesting thing about this NT property is that they don't have an NT gifte shoppe. instead, its all second hand books... I came away with a book on things that run on parallel strips of metal. 🙃 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Little_Moreton_Hall
  17. The important thing is remembering what its FOR....
  18. You have contacts with "Nigerian Prince inc" too? 🤔 ION Bright with occasional sun, slight breeze, may be warmish later. Might go out!
  19. Its the little smirk that gives it away...
  20. Coop link just went to a page wanting me to log in for deliveries*... Must admit, the Aldi example I visually examined didn't have a gooey sticky top, but had a crusty rime around the edge of the cake retaining ring, the stickyness must have been too thin and run off! * Just gave someone elses post code and it claimed that there was none in stock. Bad Bear! According to their calorie count, they give figures for 100g or 1/6 slice. Who would eat so little? 🤔
  21. I was in Aldi this afternoon, picking up some vital supplies. Passing the cake shelves, I noticed a new line. LDC! Just thought the info might be of passing interest... 😃
  22. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Yes, but the red-stained aperture would be a concern...
  23. I tried that with some Fresh Flour. Gripping! I don't think I could stand the sensory overload a second time...
  24. Update. Hung the contents of the washing machine out to dry. Now what? 🤔
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