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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Well..... 🤔 You get an anglegrinder and grind some scrap iron, letting the sparks fall on to the glass. The sparks are red-hot pieces of iron, which melt into the surface of the glass. Throw a bucket of water over the "treated" glass and Wolla!!! The glass will "rust". Simples! As they say... 🤪
  2. Its a cool but sunny day with a hint of a breeze. I was standing in the shower, preparing for the day, when it struck me that I hadn't put the grey (recycling) bin out, and you can't trust the bin lorry to turn up at a reasonable time.... Cue rapid exit, dry off and throw clothes on so as not to frighten the neighbours, out and drag the bin to the curb. Phew! Safe! No-one elses bins have been emptied! Of course, I needn't have hurried. The bin lorry can be heard trundling about for at least half an hour, and it's not in evidence yet...
  3. And with small servos being so cheap, you can afford to burn out a few until you get things right!
  4. This is definitely a real one*... https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-merseyside-42719754 Wouldn't touch them with a bargepole! * Pic delayed because I was using a tablet that hates copying pics...
  5. Fool On The Hill - The Beatles
  6. SMP... The New Maths course my school pitched me into, presented by teachers who didn't know what was going on either, and destroyed the subject for me. I still remember the punched tape design (so up to date!) of the covers with fear and loathing.
  7. I got the email from The Pi Hut advertising it yesterday but didn't follow the link as I've experimented with hi tech extension boards* before and I know when to step back and let others address the bleeding edge... As @Obi-Jiff Kenobi says, "wibble". * In my case a parallel processing system.
  8. Whooopeeee!!!! My postal vote notification postcard has just arrived! I'm to expect the voting pack to be delivered in just over two weeks time. No election literature has been shoved through the door yet, that shows that the incumbent party doesn't think it necessary and that the prospectives don't think its worthwhile....
  9. Just for tonight would be handy!
  10. Not a good idea... https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-merseyside-42719754
  11. Probably the best you could expect for a Kershaw Penguin. They were a pretty basic camera! https://cameragocamera.com/2020/02/08/kershaw-eight-20-penguin/ As could be said, any photo is better than no photo at all. That said, looking at the photo of the "Penguin", I think I bought one from a charity shop years ago, before they started pricing with reference to ebay. I don't think I ever actually ran film through it, but it'll be "in store" somewhere....
  12. I've just watched the "D Day 80: We Were There". programme on iPlayer. Very good, very moving. I'm glad I've not had to be involved in anything like it. https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/m001zrbz/dday-80-we-were-there BBC News item about some of the interviews https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c8001py1ly5o Another interesting series is "D Day: The Unheard Tapes", audio history recordings carefully brought to life. https://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episodes/m001zg8f/dday-the-unheard-tapes After "We Were There" finished, I switched from iPlayer to BBC 1 and wasn't impressed by what I saw after "We Were There" so switched it off. It's dry outside at the moment so I may go out and do some weeding....
  13. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Seeing as this IS Ebay Madness, here's a copy of the book my parents had (and I still have!) for sale on eBay! https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/355758986206 I was looking to see if any of the ebay illustrations included the mite, but none so far. I've found some other typical illustrations. In the days before "the Cone of Shame"... Our old friend Sarcoptic (or Common) mange appears a few pages earlier according to the index The Cutaway diagram!!! 🫢
  14. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Slightly doggy, but it gets bathed regularly!
  15. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Sometimes two... tails! 🤪
  16. Don't talk to me about shrimps....
  17. We're polite too!
  18. I've one of the first Triang train sets, the R0, containing Standard Track. Like the traditional banana coaches, the track base can be a bit warped... http://www.tri-ang.co.uk/RO Set.html The last time I looked in the box, my coaches weren't so badly warped!
  19. Hroth

    EBay madness

    We had a copy of "Sherley's Famous Dog Book*", chock full of useful info about the care of dogs. I particularly liked the cutaway diagram of a dogs interior. In the section about pests, there was a line drawing of a Sarcoptic mange mite.... * A sort of Haynes Dog manual, if you like...
  20. Hroth

    EBay madness

    It says its a letter rack, not much bigger than a joey, so you should be ok. Now, if it were a MAGAZINE rack, you could have problems...
  21. And we all laughed at his rabbit warren OO9 plans that came out each Christmas... Speaking of the Darjeeling Railway, I've a return ticket for a trip my father took on it in 1943. I know there was a war on, but if there's a railway to ride on...
  22. So long as it's not in the proportions H2O2..... I was going to note that the model was probably Michelangelos "muse" at the time...
  23. Hroth

    EBay madness

    It's not enticing! Perhaps its moulting, and rather than waste the bits falling off...
  24. Its amazing what you can get to go around Triang 1st radius curves!
  25. Hroth

    EBay madness

    A busy four minutes... 🤪
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