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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. The one at the back looks as if it doesn't want its picture taken AT ALL!
  2. A little extreme, unless they caused death or injury. How about restoring the use of the Pillory or the Stocks for public humiliation? Enterprising folk could set up stalls selling rotten fruit for an added splash of colour...
  3. The Romans did, piss was essential for bleaching their togas...
  4. I could do with some mounting board - excellent thick card for modelling purposes! I've not bought any for a while, but £5 off would help defray the fuel needed to get to the nearest Hobbycraft.....
  5. Blues In The Night - Ella Fitzgerald
  6. Looks like you'll have a good day for it, not sunny but dry with a gentle westerly breeze. Thats according to the BBC weather app.... Hope you spot some Puffins!
  7. Interesting. But the title, "The Age of the £100k trainset", was a bit misleading. Yes, it namechecked some layouts that were estimated at that level, but apart from mentioning that Hornby produced starter sets at considerable fraction of that eye-watering price didn't admit that most hobbyists expended skill and ingenuity to produce layouts that got nowhere near that total! And it didn't mention the layout(s) that possibly more members of the general public have heard about and seen, Pete Watermans WCML efforts. Then the little bit at the end about popular gauges mentioned O, OO and N. While it also showed a Hornby GWR HST train set, there wasn't anything about it being OO gauge. A Hornby "The Scotsman" box was also shown, but didn't say anything about it being a different scale/gauge to the other three mentioned and why... At least there was no sneering or cheap jokes about toy trains.
  8. How about a case of LDC? 🤪 On the other hand I wouldn't touch this with a bargepole...
  9. They were the original windscreen wipers. Posh cars were fitted with two, with a linking bar so the passenger didn't have to lean over towards the driver to operate them! Dunno about the "back seat" one, I don't follow facebook links!
  10. I see the "toilet ninja" had a "cunning plan"...
  11. I've just managed to provoke a Win 11 BSoD....
  12. The mixture of liveries in "Pilmoor Class 46 D157 Bristol to Newcastle March 67 J788" could also find a home in the "Prototype for everything" thread!
  13. I feel sorry for the bloke tasked to climb up the garderobe tower with the "red hot implement" to stab him in the fundament... As The Johnster said below Which is a more plausible scenario. It was just more fun to think of some "Baldrick" having to do the deed from below.
  14. But the one they found was "only" 18 cm/7 inches. Don't go worrying PB with theoretical maxima!
  15. Standing On The Corner - The Four Lads (very dodgy...)
  16. Yes. It looks like the idea is to develop drop-in power packages. I'd have thought a 66 would be a better platform as there are so many roaming the UK rails, but given the limited capacity of a UK locomotive body, I suppose one size would fit many! The 60 only has one alternator so the four steam turbines would have to be either in line or geared together to connect to it. An interesting problem. If they are flash boilers, when at rest then no steam would be being produced so it would be a very quiet fuel-efficient loco. The hiss and whine of it at full pelt however.... One turbine might be used to drive an auxiliary generator to provide ETH and lighting for a train, should there be a need for such capability. Otherwise the usual battery charging could be driven off the main alternator. Another thought, there would need to be a degree of water recovery from the turbine exhaust to reduce water consumption, otherwise that might be a limiting factor. According to the website, the combustion process also produces water, though recovering that might be difficult in a locomotive context. Interesting stuff. I'd not been aware that the railways had to "decarbonise" within the next 15 years!
  17. Should have an interesting sound too! I'm imagining that a large number of "small modular steam generators" suggests that they're similar to the flash boiler in an early 20thC steam car. Looking forward to seeing the prototype when its being trialled.
  18. Just thought I'd drop by and say that I've just provoked what appears to be the Win 11 equivalent of the BSoD. I was fiddling around with parted in commandprompt/admin to try and remove raspbian from an 8gb SD card - not having executed any commands beyond "list disk", moved to another window to look something up and BINGO! Took a couple of reboots to get back to normal..... Think I'll retire the SD card.
  19. On a Monday, that's planning ahead with a vengance...
  20. If they're his, there will be just as many live cats...
  21. I think its the sort of place visited in "Bargain Hunt", thronged with occasional antiques but mainly sub-antiques. I could be wrong....
  22. You don't know whether to laugh or cry! Of course, there's the subspecies of Lemming slugs, who lurch out of a side road right in front of you, then trundle along, either viewing the scenery or looking for their next turning. Lemming slugs are also encountered on Sunday afternoons throught the year, easily identified as the driver will wear a flat cap and either drive as close to the kerb or the centre of the road as possible...
  23. Things like that pop up quite regularly in the uk, especially just before Christmas where at least one "Winter Wonderland" will get front page tabloid coverage, with expressions of shock and disgust from punters who shelled out considerable quantities of cash for their younguns to experience literal sloughs of despond in the corner of a field somewhere. The Willy Wonka Experience in Glasgow this March ended as such a fiasco.... https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-68431728 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Willy's_Chocolate_Experience
  24. Perhaps such a disorder could be included in one of the current bribe collections. We'll find out which collection of bribes* comes out on top on the 5th July.... * AKA Election Manifestos
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