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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. Hydrogen is pretty safe, as its lighter than air, escapes/leaks all go upwards, rather than pool on the ground. The illustration of the end of the Hindenburg illustrates this clearly, the crew and passenger quarters were underneath the airship and I understand that the deaths and injuries were mainly due to falling from height and the remains of the airship crushing people rather than being incinerated. The phobia about hydrogen has held airship development back ever since, which is a pity as hydrogen can be readily generated and helium cannot.
  2. Costs too many beer tokens to get there from here for a one off, and when holidaying down there, there were too many other things to do and see... (Though I should have made the effort at the time...)
  3. Grey, cool, calm. Heavy rain predicted from 11am. An easy prediction for the date, and that we're on page 13 13 0
  4. And thus it was spake "JUST KEEP TAKING THE TABLETS"...
  5. Surely "You are approaching the Ministry of Silly Walks".... 🤔
  6. Or the wrong number of rivets....
  7. They're bringing forward the TT:120 EE Type 3 in transitional Green, all that "steam" is actually cold start clag.... 🤪
  8. The Oral B oscillator I use is very old, its one my father bought on the recomendation of a dentist. He didn't use it much either and went back to a scrubbing stick too. Its probably a quarter of a century old now, but still works and battery disposal hasn't become an issue yet... At least with the oscillator, the bit you put in your mouth can be easily disposed of so all I did was buy a new packet of replacement heads WITH WHICH I REPLACED THE OLD ONE... (Caps to make things perfectly clear!)
  9. There's a song about that...
  10. Probably their "retirement" plan...
  11. A suitable appliance... https://collection.sciencemuseumgroup.org.uk/objects/co144085/castrating-clamp-castrating-clamps Thecappliance of science!
  12. Its amazing what can be done with two Lima 20s and an old Hornby blood'n'custard coach!
  13. Better than dumping the sewage in, say, Windermere and letting the algae grow there, unprofitably!
  14. Pricing is apparently tied to the apparent going rate for similar items on eBay, though comparison is not carried out in a sophisticated manner.
  15. "Putting Baby to Bed" can be done in a drawer if a cot is not available, but ideally the drawer is removed completely and put somewhere safe before placing the baby in it...
  16. Right. Its the cheap cat food for you tonight....
  17. And another thing. TOOTHBRUSHES! I'm quite happy with my manual brush, but the dentist keeps recommending a powered device. Is this because they also sell the things? I've got an oscillating Oral B device, but for some reason it feels alien in my mouth, as if I'm applying an anglegrinder to my molars! Then there's the one I found in my spare toothbrush box, a Philips Sonicare brush (with UHF vibrations (62,000 hz...) ! ) which I got a decade ago and almost instantly gave up on. I charged it up and found out why! The vibrations tickle my tongue and feel that they're going to shake the fillings out... At least it has a conventional toothbrush head and so could be used switched off.... So back to the manual brush on a stick.
  18. Its not warm, its grey but not actually raining (snowing???) Yuck! Windows on my laptop has just updated for some reason, and its back to displaying a fatuous Weather/Stockmarket info pane on the Login screen. I know how to get rid of it, and have done but WHY does Microshaft insist on re-enabling it on each update? Grrrrr! Finally, I've just received an electoral communication from the "incumbent" party. Its waste paper as I wouldn't vote for them even if they were the only party on the ballot! Double GRRRRRRRRRRR!!! I think another hot drink is in order, its so bluudy unseasonable!
  19. Efficient and proven but lots of infrastructure work needed, such as rebuilding bridges for clearance and the installation of power feeds at remote locations away from the National Grid, etc, etc. Costs go up, its a natural law! There's a lack of support for new unguarded 3rd rail in the open. 3rd rail at a terminus for recharging, like a robot cleaner docking station, is likely to be less of a problem. Anyhow, its a prototype for evaluation purposes. The only problem is if there's a panic "Modernisation Scheme*" in 2030 and a whole lot of untried technology is ordered off the drawing board**! * We've been THERE before! ** Or the CAD screen, as it were....
  20. Hroth

    EBay madness

    I (mis)read the label on the end of the empty box as "Low Noise". They're correct there!
  21. Me, Myself and I - Beyoncé
  22. The one at the back looks as if it doesn't want its picture taken AT ALL!
  23. A little extreme, unless they caused death or injury. How about restoring the use of the Pillory or the Stocks for public humiliation? Enterprising folk could set up stalls selling rotten fruit for an added splash of colour...
  24. The Romans did, piss was essential for bleaching their togas...
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