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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. Sixteen Candles - The Crests
  2. I think that if anyone totted up how much they paid for their collection of locos and rolling stock over say the last decade just for insurance purposes, going on current ebay "values" the replacement total might be uncomfortably large, though not approaching £100,000!
  3. Now, while I'm as interested as anyone else here about the announcement to take place tomorrow, perhaps we're all overthinking things. This is all blue sky and out of the box thinking, but going on their last two emails, particularly the ostensiably fathers day "do you remember your Dad's first model locomotive?" one and of course the announcements one, perhaps seeing Hornby have embraced their HD diecast heritage, they are going to step back for a retro approach to the starter set for the modern age. I'm suggesting that we will see an eco-friendly, near zero-carbon footprint CLOCKWORK trainset, either containing a circle of the track already produced for the Playtrains series or as a train pack. The rather overlarge B4 loco we saw on the TV series would be an ideal candidate for the loco as it would conceal a simple clockwork mechanism and doesn't duplicate any current Railroad bodies, and the usual suspects of a van, an open truck and a brakevan (with perhaps the old 4 wheel coach) with colourful fantasy liveries would complete the contents. Positioned for the Christmas market it would be ideal as it would require no batteries or power controller to bring to life, the lack of batteries would enhance its eco credentials too! Of course, I might be entirely wrong... I'd like to see a TT:120 trainpack consisting of a green EE/08 shunter, several wagons and a brakevan.
  4. In effect BREXIT was the embodiment of the Millenium Bug, though no one realised it at the time.... Nearly a quarter of a century ago? It seems more recent!
  5. My mother would refer to that colour as "egg yolk". I'm not surprised the rozzers didn't like it. She didn't like it either, and made my father take back a car that he was going to buy because it was that colour...
  6. Deary me.... Miles are still used in the UK. Speedometers and mileometers in vehicles are calibrated by law in miles, speed limits at the roadside and marked on the road are indicated in MPH. This is in 2024, not 1950, so calm down. The metric system is used in its correct context, though I do realise that some hanker after pounds and ounces! Personally, I've no idea of my weight in pounds, let alone kilos. Knowing it in stones is good enough for me! And lets not go into measuring height in cm....
  7. Monday Monday - The Mamas & The Papas
  8. Oh well, its bright but overcast out, don't know how warm it is at present, but its time to go a-foraging... Ta-ra la!
  9. Whats that in Real Money?🤔 (Its 248548 miles*, neither one thing or t'other!) * Or 1988384 furlongs, for the pedantic.
  10. Down Down - Status Quo
  11. It doesn't surprise me... Anyhow, us "northerners" would probably waste the lot on flat caps and ferrets. Its for our own good if the grown ups spend the money on their things!
  12. Hroth

    On Cats

    Thats not a "content" look, thats a "You're going to find something nasty in your shoes tomorrow morning" look...
  13. Thanks to the shrinkage of the currency, even tuppenny washers are too small!
  14. Get The Balance Right - Depeche Mode
  15. Most ordinary folk would probably say that the one in the picture was Stephensons Rocket. And that Great great grandfather Burt fired it while George drove it. My grandmother would say that any station looked like Orrel Park* station. Thanks to modernisation/rationalisation, even Orrel Park doesn't look like Orrel Park... * Ex L&Y on the Ormskirk to Liverpool line. The L&Y used to operate dinky little steam railmotors on it.
  16. But at least you have a SHED....
  17. Gopher wood?🤔 Sounds like being sent for a Long Weight! Its become dark early here, mainly because its started to rain....
  18. As far as lists are concerned, its probably best to grab the lists in wikipedia for each class, then print them out... 🤔
  19. They're a pair of Trent class 25kt all weather boats. According to the Wikipedia entry for the Trent class, they're currently in the training fleet. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trent-class_lifeboat Here's the RNLI lifeboat spotters page https://rnli.org/what-we-do/lifeboats-and-stations/our-lifeboat-fleet
  20. Unless it goes "nuts" and blood starts pooling around your feet...
  21. Getting away from semi-politics, lets move over to the ghastly Summer-Of-Sport we're beginning to endure.... The start of the Euro Foot-The-Ball competition has resulted in the inept youth next door kicking a football* around his back garden and eventually into mine. I have come to dread the dull thud of foot against ball, and the next time one sails over the fence, I may well "accidentally" puncture the bluddy thing with a garden fork... At least I don't expect any copycatting for Wimbers or for the 'lympics**. * I know we're supposed to encourage the mindless louts to get out and enjoy the fresh air, but I'd rather they spend time indoors playing GTA on their consoles, then try out their skills on someone's car. At least they may be awarded some time at HMs Displeasure... ** I can see July and August being poor months for television viewing!
  22. The GOVERNMENT sent la Truss, not us! Seeing what she did to the economy for the few weeks she was in charge, it's not surprising she made a bollox over a "mere" trade agreement...
  23. Complete with the ironic last frames "We're Backing Britain"...
  24. You know, it doesn't surprise me. That mob couldn't organise a pi$$-up in a brewery.
  25. The rear overhang would lead to a most uncomfortable ride...
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