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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. Hroth

    EBay madness

    If it were travelling in an easterly direction on the cusp of midnight, 31st December 1947, there is a possibility that for a fraction of a second the locomotive might be British Railways and the tender LMS... Going in a westerly direction the changeover might be slightly slower!
  2. Speaking of fodder, I decided to try a packet of vegan no-sossige rolls, just so I can criticise such stuff from a morally valid standpoint. Let me start by saying that the long and complex ingredients list would horrify @iL Dottore and that the description of the fake sausage, "seasoned soya protein concentrate" should be a warning to potential consumers, as is the mostly orange and red traffic light strip on the front. I'll give a two word review of the contents "Total Carp!". ION About ebay pricing, descriptions, etc, have a look at the Ebay Madness topic!
  3. They always do. Its like an episode of QI....
  4. Here the sun is shining, but there is more than a hint of clouds hanging about. According to the BBC weather app this will go away by mid-day, but who trusts the BBC weather app? ION A parcel arrived this morning from RoS containing a Mickey Mouse, which scurries in a most satisfactory manner!
  5. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Not completely mad, and at least its a working loco, but... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/266815469633 Like many of the sad GBL efforts, it looks as if its been past a couple of indiscriminate muckspreaders! For added enjoyment, there is a fulsome AI description...
  6. Just tot up the value of your locos and rolling stock for insurance purposes (replacement) and you'll be horrified by how close you might get...
  7. Back To Black - Amy Winehouse
  8. My Great Aunt always found that racehorse droppings* worked well on her rhubarb! * Some may have been from Red Rum....
  9. You are the ghost signaller, and I claim my £5!
  10. England are lazy beggars, score a goal and thats all they need do. I'd be pleased if they (and the Scots) didn't get out of the groups.
  11. Downhill all the way until December...
  12. The sun has (just) setted in the sky.... Happy Solstice say byebye!
  13. The Mersey railway was a 4 rail system and made an end on connection with the Wirral railway in Birkenhead, which was ok when the Wirral was a steam railway but became more of a problem when the LMS converted the Wirral lines to 3 rail electric in the late 30s. It was solved by making the Mersey Railway units convertible between 3 and 4 rail, until they became life expired in the mid 50s, when the 4th rail finally vanished.
  14. Be happy you don't have Housemaids Palm....
  15. 4th rail electrification was common on some underground railways, though that's not the case there! Probably ready for relaying.
  16. The Funky Gibbon - The Goodies
  17. Quaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!!!
  18. As they sing* in the penal colonies... "Whistle while you work Kim Jong Un is a jerk He's half barmy So's his army Whistle while you work" * As applied to other noted mad dictators...
  19. I thought it was just the way I was looking at it when it failed a picture upload.... Glad to hear it wasn't just me! There is now a brown header bar: It appears to have been fixed!
  20. Play Me Like You Play Your Guitar - Duane Eddy
  21. They need to bring back the treadmill for the likes of her... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penal_treadmill
  22. British gulls are well known to steal chips, bags of crisps, etc, but one has now taken to stealing newspapers... https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/videos/cevv95q0n20o I wonder what it wanted to know? 🤔
  23. Song Sung Blue - Neil Diamond
  24. Vulcans were slightly like Concorde, in a threatening Nuclear Bomber sort of way, if that helps. I saw one at an airshow before it was grounded due to airframe/engine hours limits being reached. It did a display rather like the one you saw, bluddy loud!!! Red white and blue smoke trails is what the Arrows do! 😄
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