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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. Remember those public information films with the bloke connecting his powerdrill by shoving the bare wires into a socket, held in by matchsticks, with predictable results? Wasn't there one about wrapping a blown fuse in the foil from a packet of fags too? They don't make 'em like they used to!
  2. Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun - Pink Floyd
  3. I believe she feeds him cake and doughnuts. As they say, the way to a Bears heart is through his stomach...
  4. Stick the plug in one of those devices that'll tell you if its all wired correctly and that the internal insulation hasn't broken down? Finally a power* test wearing rubber gloves and welly boots... (All rather you than me!) * While listening for your fuse board to go BANG!
  5. Is that like being middle-glass? You're neither upper or lower glass.... Hey-ho, Time for another muggacoffee...
  6. But they lived in the water, I thought you'd prefer to be land based.... The Silures were lucky having to deal with the 2nd Augustus, they were the ones who bottled out during the Boudiccan Revolt, in Britannia they were not always effective...
  7. Nice bit of Vaughan Williams! Banning political gambling? Simplistic, deffo!
  8. I've got a Guinness Toucan moneybox. Did you know that Dorothy L Sayers, the crime novelist, was a co-creator of the first "Toucan" advert when she was in advertising?
  9. If you give me one of these (as a ghost, you should have one) I'll give you a brand new Charles III one in exchange.....
  10. Hroth

    EBay madness

    That'll be the sexy sidekick who works for the villain but is ambivalent and goes off with Bond at the end of the film, like Pussy Galore...
  11. @The Johnster "Silurian" suits you to a T! On the land Silurians appear to be spiders or millipedes...
  12. Hroth

    EBay madness

    I'm not convinced that the Chinese ripoff will either!
  13. I did that (some gardening) and strained my back so I gave up early. Didn't have any Guinness as I don't like it!
  14. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Moving on... I've just spotted what this https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/374824545081 is a ripoff of https://www.kernowmodelrailcentre.com/p/39971/L133103-WSL-Liliput-Diesel-Railcar-LINT-27-HLB-number-VT201 I think I'd have the Liliput one...
  15. Something adjacent to this? https://www.shearings.com/holidays/railway-journeys-of-the-isle-of-man
  16. Not a good move by her, it might reduce any proceedings from the divorce...
  17. Here's one I took in the opposite direction from the stone bridge in August 2018. Not much has changed! (Apart from the bushes on the right, which are rather larger...)
  18. Lovely pictures of the Tanfield. I've always thought Andrews House makes an ideal model railway station (picture by DaveF, see earlier post) There's a passing loop, a quaint station building with equally ideosyncratic ancillaries and its closely bounded at each end by bridges. An ideal place to run short goods and passenger trains, hauled by nothing bigger than an 0-6-0 tank loco. Perfect!
  19. Hroth

    EBay madness

    I think you've just hit the nail on the head there....
  20. My comment about the ear defenders was a bit throwaway, I wouldn't have expected such a crass suggestion to have been made. Going by the "diagram" in the linked article, while there's a slight kink at the bottom, indicating some slewing of the line, it seems unlikely that the distance between the line and the building has decreased by much. The platforms make the entire structure much closer, and the structure looks as if its about 10 metres higher than the original road level so even if the station was at its original location, there would still be considerable noise problems from trains braking or accelerating as they approach or leave the station. I can see that there would be problems for residents, and that the design should have included noise barriers on the raised section opposite the building, but going by the image, the design might have attempted to minimise light reduction instead. In such a narrow corridor between other roads and buildings, its difficult to provide a cost effective safety solution without upsetting anyone and there should have been more thought at the design stage.
  21. It was equally adjacent when the railway was at ground level. And then they had the noise from emergency vehicles when accidents occurred at the original level crossing. They would also have whinged if the railway had erected noise abatement barriers on the railway structure that cut their light and interrupted their views. Perhaps the residents should be issued with free ear defenders?
  22. Hroth

    EBay madness

    I considered that, but thought my explaination was risible enough already... 🤪
  23. Thats the reason for the crazy paving effect!
  24. Heaven Must Be Missing An Angel - Tavares
  25. It would be more effective to pump the contents from the caboose using a pump from a large hand sanitiser* bottle! * Cleaning and flushing the pump through first with some cheap whisky...
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