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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. A larger caff and museum shop? Perhaps a creche and buggy park?🤔 I'd like to think it would be better thought out displays and a thematic hall with significant exhibits being rotated every year or so. What it will mean is that parts of the museum will be closed off for reconstruction for up to five years or so and exhibits will go into storage and never exhibited again or be sold off as surplus to requirements.
  2. No, thats your appalled observer.
  3. Only a tad, perhaps a tadette?🤔 The problem with the move to simplified "relevant" displays is that a large proportion of the target audience won't look at the animated diagrams and read the age appropriate information panels, but either run about screaming or trail after their minders with a sullen expression, immersed in their iPhones. I'm visiting York this summer and was looking foward to a day at the NRM...
  4. I just noticed a configuration error with the bird feeding station I put up the other day. The accessories included rings for an open seed tray and for a mini water bath. I mounted one of the rings as I thought it would be a useful perch for the little birds waiting their turn at the feeders. I realised my mistake when I looked out yesterday evening to see a fat bluddy pigeon sitting on the ring, plundering a feeder that was handily within reach. Anyhow, this morning I repositioned the ring so the sods couldn't reach the feeder. Hah! Foiled you! As I did the repositioning, I found myself humming... 🎶🎶
  5. Isn't that the basis for Reforms platform?
  6. Why Doed It Always Rain On Me - Travis
  7. I'd have marked it up as 10-1 10/1 looks more like 10 shillings and a penny... 😄
  8. Love Is A Many Splendored Thing - Matt Monroe
  9. The back of your own head....
  10. Probably a reference to the brewing electoral betting scandal.
  11. I see I got deleted. Didn't realise that what I carefully said was more reprehensible than the graphic representation of the Scotsman in difficulties. Oh well....
  12. I thought the move to big Audis as "pool cars" was bad enough, I hadn't realised that pimped up Land/Range Rovers were becoming the crims tool of choice... I expect its because they think they will have enough weight to bounce the rozzers cars out of the way when they get chased!
  13. There was also the A.B. from Staines. Allegedly... Looks like the weathering Hornby applied to the K1 they sold me! ION All this talk of reneging car insurers is appalling. They have a bad enough reputation over claims! My insurance is due for renewal at the beginning of August, at the end of my first year with Aviva. Previously I had been with LV for many years but an egregrious price hike of over £250 for renewal last year caused me to "go and compare" and the selection of the cheapest coverage on comparable terms with an insurer I had actually heard of. The premium was cheaper than that from LV a couple of years previously and similar to half a dozen unknown insurers below Aviva*. I await this years renewal quote with trepidation, but if its not increased too much, I'll let them keep my business, otherwise I'll be back to the Tenor... * Its sometimes difficult to separate Aviva and Arriva, I think I've got it right...
  14. Halfway through the programme, the sailing looks very lively!
  15. I'm not quite in the same boat, my Canon Powershot G11 is still soldiering on and will not be replaced until it becomes unreliable, but I occasionally look at compact camera replacements for it and the main discouragement is that I prefer an optical, eye-level viewfinder, and in the "lower" end of the market they're as rare as hens teeth. The other thing I look for is a rotatable screen on the back that can be pulled out, rotated and used as an old-fashioned waist level viewfinder for low angle* and overhead shots. I don't like using it for ordinary pictures as the image tends to wash out and are difficult to see and I also don't like looking like a demented meerkat when trying to frame an image, an optical viewfinder is more effective. Zoom range and pixel count are not worth worrying about, they'll all be pretty samey in your price range, though wider apertures at both ends of the zoom range are helpful. * Easier to frame low angle shots of models, etc.
  16. From what I've seen of him on QI*, he's rather like the Ancient Mariner and tends to rabbit on a bit. I' surprised they escaped so easily! * Obviously, when on QI, he's paid to loquate....
  17. Walking On The Edge - Wilko Johnson
  18. The Kids Are Alright - The Whom
  19. The most recent from a couple of years ago did, I can't demonstrate as mine are currently in storage.... 🙃
  20. Life Is Just A Bowl Of Cherries - Judy Garland
  21. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Oh dear. Rails has got a new Internet Sales intern....
  22. Only problem is, you have to be able to talk and understand "Wiganese"! Oh yes, and they taste them cold...
  23. There was an interesting programme on Ch5 this evening about the working of a Baked Bean* factory in Wigan... So many tins! * Plus tinned sphagetti and soup too!
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