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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. And often, small lines were "sponsored" by larger concerns, in a friendly manner, you understand, to penetrate areas which other railway companies considered their own (but had ignored). Sponsored lines might also be worked by their kind sponsors before being completely absorbed, which would get up the nose of the penetrated company, leading to all kinds of unhelpfulness...
  2. Hroth

    EBay madness

    It certainly costs more for the empty box than the original purchaser paid for the box and wagon kit... I believe that the box is the size it is so you could store the completed model in it afterwards! Perhaps its another example of buying a container of air...
  3. Hroth

    EBay madness

    I've a few volume 2 issues... 🤪 You can tell the difference, the originals are on a rather matt paper, the repro one is on a high gloss paper throughout. One* has a review of the then newly introduced BR 10800 diesel, but thought that there would never be an RTR model**... https://railsofsheffield.com/blogs/news/bargain-Heljan-br-nbl-10800-locomotives * Vol. 2. No. 9. Mar-April 1951. Pages 52-54, including a scaled profile and end elevation diagram. ** "We are likely to see many more of these units in the next few years***... Whether we see them in model railways is another thing altogether" *** Alas 10800 was the only one of its kind, though similar beasts in the form of the Class 15/16 locos were perpetrated in the Pilot Scheme...
  4. I thought it looked cute....🤪
  5. Its how the song went... 🤪 In "No Limit", the 1935 TT film, he's doing a song in a railway compartment, about going to the races, using a soprano uke.
  6. Of course, you'd have to be seriously greedy not to consider that half a cake each would be better than the cake being destroyed in the fracas and ending up with no cake at all!
  7. Wow! A THIRD electoral communication* arrived this afternoon, this time from Reform UK**. I'll give it a read, but its pretty much a wasted effort as I completed my postal vote on Tuesday and posted it back on Wednesday. The candidates agents must know when the postal voting packs will be going out for their constituency, so sending leaflets out should be achieved before that date. The Reform UK candidate looks like a Monty Python civil servant... * The other two were from the previous incumbent and arrived well in time last week. ** Just glanced through it, the candidate makes a strong pitch for standing up for the constituency, but makes no mention of the policies of his Monster Raving Looney "leader"...
  8. The Long And Winding Road - The Beatles
  9. I've a feeling that as the index month appears to be September for the CPI, then the wage calculation would be for the same month, it would be the average wage rise for all sectors across the UK since the previous September. The pension increase is usually announced in October (part of the Autumn Statement?). Its then applied the following April, when we've benefited from winter expenditure and another 7 months inflation. Of course the amount extra will be promptly docked by the taxman because the basic personal tax allowance will still be frozen until 2028. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-53082530
  10. I thought it was supposed to be cooler today? Only I've just noticed that another bauble has descended* on the thermometer, leaving the last one bobbing uncertainly at the top. Its not sunny out, but there must be a hot breeze ore something... * That makes it at least approximately 24C indoors!
  11. Its also got a lock on the Trent, which is tidal below it. You need to time your passage carefully if you want to lock up onto the Fossdyke at Torksey on the same tide! "First thing we do, lets kill all the lawyers". Shakespeare, Henry VI pt2. For some reason lawyers dislike that quote with a passion, but perhaps having been a lawyer, solicitor or barrister, should be a bar against sitting as an MP...
  12. Or someones called 999 and there's several police cars and an ambulance outside wanting to secure you and get you assessed prior to sectioning you....
  13. The Great Pretender - Freddie Mercury
  14. With his little "ukulele" in his hand. Well, thats what HE said...
  15. Ilford HP5*, F8, 1/500 sec... * Or Kodak Max 400 if you don't mind the processing lab seeing your efforts and referring you to the rozzers... At least HP5 can be easily processed at home!
  16. Stripping to the buff on the doorstep might disconcert the neighbours....
  17. Driving home at 22:00 hrs, Yeti said it was 22C! Too warm, but humid out, RAIN! Need some RAIN! I'll give that a go tonight, I've been wheezy, blinking and sneezy all evening, apart from when I was in the car with the aircon on... Home Bargains* have face wipes targeted at hayfever sufferers to use during the day. I don't think they are "medicated" and they don't seem to be grossly overinflated pricewise at 89p a pack compared with "ordinary" facewipes. They, or something similar might be handy throughout the day. * Supermarkets, etc may well offer similar wipes.
  18. Bugrit! Millenium hand and shrimp?? 🤔
  19. My Eyes Adored You - Frankie Valli
  20. Summer always comes sooner in the West. Allegedly...
  21. I know what you're trying to say...🤔
  22. Looks like he hasn't noticed the rear washer either...
  23. Cows aren't any better.... Proof!!! https://killercows.co.uk/facts-stats/when-cows-attack/
  24. "Mmmmmmm.... I like the way you use me" Oh, not that way of sucking up?🤔
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