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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. Inability to skip was referring to the "streamed" content from the broadcaster. If it has been recorded "off air", skipping is not a problem! I'm with you on the tawdry programmes like "Naked Attraction", "Love Island" and their ilk. They all leave you with the desire to find some brain bleach.
  2. Stuffed full of dreadful adverts. Have you seen those Tampax ads? And how ads for Life Insurance are followed by Funeral Plans? And you can't skip them.... When the ads are on, I just mute the sound. The soundtracks come as a terrible shock when I see them whilst visiting friends!
  3. Liked the Dowland, called "Can Shee" on the top of my performing copy for Treble(Alto) Recorder.
  4. Can't cope with either the Sister Boniface Mysteries or Father Brown for that matter, they set my teeth on edge. TBH most current TV production has that effect, so I'm finding that I'm watching less TV as a result. I had a go at the Whitstable Pearl series that was recently broadcast, but couldn't get through the first episode. However, the book the series came from appeared as a 99p offer from Amazon on Kindle*. Unlike the TV version, it was quite readable, a typical Amazon "Cosy Murder" (don't ask me what that means) though I'm not sure I'd buy any of the follow-on novels unless they are offered at 99p. * I rarely buy Kindle books for anything more and none that cost as much as a dead tree edition. Its the same sort of price I'd pay for paperbacks in charity shops...
  5. Carpet grippers would fall under the same heading as broken glass along the top of a brick wall, and would be illegal. Even those rotating metal anti climb devices used on industrial properties have to have clear warning notices so that criminals can't claim that "they weren't warned". Anyhow, the fence isn't my responsibility so I can't go nailing things along the top. I'll put some dormant plant pots along the bottom though, they might do themselves some damage, turning an ankle or breaking a leg landing on top of them. The ambulance can access the injured by lifting a fence panel out, they don't need to come through my property!
  6. Very nice! How long between getting box and contents, appreciating the possibilities, and emptying the bottles? Just asking..... 🤪
  7. Coming late to the cul-de-sac game, I live on an Avenue that arcs around a Road*. The Avenue has two cul-de-sac appendixes off it, also named for the Avenue. I've never investigated their numbering sequence**, but I'm on the Main Sequence! ION The gormless youths next door are footy crazy. I kept up with the England game by hearing the groans and cheers. As they are forever kicking their bluddy football over the fence***, then leaping over it into my back garden without a "by your leave", I've just invested in one of those "wildlife" cameras to catch them in action. Ideal for when the complaint goes in to their parents... And More Yeti has to go in tomorrow to have two new front boots fitted. A couple of (Hornby) sound fitted Deltics, I fear... * Its a 70s development, can't you guess? 🤪 ** TBH I can't be bothered to *** I never said they were any good at kicking a ball about...
  8. I've got "an" AA key, no idea where it came from...
  9. I don't believe it. Why couldn't they do the decent thing and LOSE*??? * On penalties at least....
  10. 90+5 and England score an equaliser. Slovakia must have dozed off for a moment... I think Plan B must be to equalise at the last minute and let Englands expert penalty takers sort things out!
  11. Looks like Englands interest in the footy contest will be over soon, unless they get their act together.... Go on Slovakia!!! 🤪🤪🤪 Oh god.... England score an equaliser in extra time. It'll be penalties next! Now the beggars have gone ahead.... Oh well if they keep their lead they'll go out in the next round. They kept their lead. Apparently they face the Swiss Rolls next. @iL Dottore needs to have a quiet chat with the Swiss management...
  12. Nice photos. For a 70 year old "toy", the original Silver King stands up well against its modern copy. If only Binns Lane had done thinner lining bands... My HD EDL11 is the one in the boxed set with two tinplate Gresley coaches in blood'n'custard livery. It still works well, well it did the last time I got the 3-rail stuff out for a canter! The old tinplate stock is much more immersive, they rattle and bang as they go along, just like the real thing... I wonder if modern Hornby "Dublo" will still be able to perform 70 years hence?
  13. For the first time in quite a while, I'll record the Ch4 highlights so I can skip the talking heads and ads and watch some of the race! If it's as bad as you're saying it was, I can't think of a reason why Mr Bean shouldn't be disqualified and have his points for this race deducted. And also be given a last place grid position penalty for the next couple of races...
  14. With a beak like that, I don't think I'd want to...
  15. I've got a DoY and its nice to see yours running with a tender! Mine used to belong to my uncle and is as dead as a dodo, with a bust spring... It doesn't look as good either, with a very faded finish.
  16. Or someone is constructing a multi-story Yurt...
  17. Its not a case of seeing, that would be too depressing. I'll just wait for the result.
  18. Love Is All Around - Wet Wet Wet
  19. Mummy, ARE we going to Butlins for our holiday?
  20. Sounds like a sleeping bag with legs!
  21. Oh, I had the suit and kipper tie*, AND the shirt with the huge collar that would allow you to fly in a headwind.... The point is that anything less outlandish and you'd stick out like a corporate sore thumb! I agree with your thoughts on disco... * A sort of brown and mustard coloured affair. With a green shirt, naturally!
  22. Another standby was woodchip wallpaper, coated with either magnolia or eau de nil emulsion paint...
  23. That'll lead to Electile Dysfunction....
  24. Forever And Ever - Demis Roussos
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