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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. I expect you have to be vouched for by one of their circle/clique.
  2. I am visiting York at the end of the month, and was looking forward to spending some enjoyable time at the NRM. I'll still go, but it seems that it will be a scant hours visit, rather than the immersive daysworth I was hoping for. Well, I'll give a cheery wave to the scammers at the entrance and deposit a derisory penny in the collection box in their full view. I can do that with the minimum of embarrasment, and will probably tell any frowning peon that I may increase my donation if I'm satisfied with the exhibits. I may also ask if there's a feedback card I could complete afterwards... If I'm really dissatisfied.... ION Thunder and lightning, very very frightening! Flash Bang right overhead!!!
  3. Slave to the Rhythm - Grace Jones
  4. Hroth

    EBay madness

    It would have helped if the vendor had included an AI description. I've a Useless Stone that was painted for my father by my sister before he died. Not that I would even consider selling it, but it must be worth a fortune compared with that!
  5. I can confirm that it was hot and dry in June 76! A little south of Cumbria, the Bridgewater, Trent and Mersey and Shropshire Union canals were half-empty and in places the Shroppie was little more than a muddy ditch. Very unhelpful for moving a newly launched narrowboat...
  6. Depends on which bit, in this bit, its chuckinitdown and not that warm...
  7. But she also brought an umbrella in case it started raining again...
  8. Leaning On A Lamppost - George Formby
  9. I remember seeing tripe on display in butchers windows, but never had to encounter the stuff on the plate. The best description of tripe however, is that of the tripe shops in "The Road to Wigan Pier" by George Orwell. The bit about a piece of tripe on display with a black thumbprint in one corner..... Black Pudding? Totally different!
  10. Breathe on Me - Britney Spears
  11. I've just come across my very first Barclaycard statement. I'd spent £36.94 and my credit limit was £200. Such a long time ago, but I can remember what it was for, a stereo cassette tape recorder with twin vu meters. Technology, eh?
  12. Sorry, forgot about the lurgy.
  13. Hroth

    EBay madness

    So the paper bags ARE worth keeping? 🙃
  14. Fly Me To The Moon - Frank Sinatra
  15. Just go for a little drive for the fun of it. For example, get some LDC!
  16. And full of bits of fig wasp too....
  17. Midnight At The Oasis - Maria Muldaur
  18. Hroth

    EBay madness

    I had a yellow Beatties bag, but it got used to keep Triang Super 4 track in, and ended up with more holes than a colander... Its funny how ephemeral junk suddenly becomes "collectable", usually just after ending up in the bin! (Going back to my Probe bags, some are plastic and some are paper. I wonder if the paper ones would be more sought after?)
  19. That would be Pol-Pot all over again, especially if the Thompsonistas had the levers of power in their sweaty grasp. Reconstruction really meant something with them.....
  20. They'd certainly be candidates for "re-education".....
  21. A most enjoyable and informative programme. I agree the title was mainly to draw in viewers, as he had very much a presenting role; the "Dead Reckoning Navigation on a Tractor" segment was entertaining and informative and didn't detract from the serious aspects of the programme. I'd say that the programme was made with due regard to the sensitivities of the families and descendants, and didn't parade the recovered remains for cheap thrills. ✅✅✅✅✅
  22. "Last of the Summer Whine"? 🤔
  23. That's more an epidemic. There are plenty of infectious carriers around here...
  24. Sounds reasonable, considering how they "stuffed" the rest of us.... If I had to see them on the telly, how about one of those shows where the presenter goes to a tip, selects items from a skip and then has them "upcycled" and sold on for silly prices to arty shops?
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