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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. Is that conning tower thingie where the driver sits?
  2. I'm off to get my eyes tested tomorrow afternoon, so I'll pop into the purveyors to see if 305 has arrived. Fingers crossed!
  3. Concerning OrangeMan, all I can think is that the standard of American marksmanship has deteriorated since 1963. Which is odd, considering the amount of firearms that the US is awash with. Hey ho. The ping-pong has finally finished and the euro foot-the-ball will be done and dusted this evening. We've now got 12 days grace until the olympics kick in.... sigh
  4. Older than most of the things that make you smile here!
  5. To infinity. And Beyond!!! 🤪🤪🤪
  6. I've a shed and a garage and STILL not enough room... Apart from that, I've been good and haven't bought any parallel strips of metal related items for the past month. I feel GREAT!!! 🤪
  7. Its to be expected, this IS the internet! The problem is not that it was a joke, but that some people would actually believe it...
  8. Feed 'em to the kids, not only will they be able to see better in the dark, but they'll glow like Readybrek kids too!
  9. I once dobbed Simon Bates into Colemanballs* and got a fiver for doing so! * Colemanballs 3**, the second page in the POP section, about Spandau Ballet. It even got a Larry cartoon! ** Collected book published in 1986. Where did the time go?
  10. Thats an ugly slug! Quite unlike the first Ford Capri I ever saw... Wikipedia: Ford Consul Capri 1963 Now, if they did an electric version of that!
  11. Its virtually impossible to see (especially at a distance) if a thin red strip in the top quarter of the hoist is closer to the upper blue area or not. At least the Australian and New Zealand flags are easier to see if they're upside down or not... 🙃
  12. Thhough the app designer does need a refresher course on national flags...
  13. Well, I occasionally catch the police chase documentaries on Ch5, it seems to be a strip of plastic that gathers up salivia to insert into a gadget somewhat similar to your wooflu detector. Of course, if you've been eating bakery products with poppy seeds sprinkled on them, then they will be detected too....
  14. Hopefully their advice included blowing into this tube sir and licking this piece of plastic sir, followed by advice that they get into the back of another van...
  15. I think thats very brave of you....
  16. Ummmmm.... Being English, I don't appreciate the hyperventilating in the press and the media, I mean, even Classic FM played a piano version of "Footballs Coming Home" last night which was going a bit too far. If Englsnd had lost, there would be obits and calls for the managers head on a salver, but the fuss would have been over and done with by Friday and the final would be reported as "Spain or the Netherlands won. Yawn...." But now we'll have hype hype hype until the final letdown on Sunday.
  17. Of course, nowadays a station clock is often stuck at the same time. For years and years. I know of one, at a busy surburban terminus that is in a tower over the entrance that hasn't moved because BR sold off the station building* and the current owners can't be arsed to wind it. * Ths current ticket office is in a brick shed at the end of the platforms.
  18. Worse than could be expected?
  19. Someone is confusing his pastimes...
  20. Here's one. England beat the Netherlands this evening. Definitely a :-(
  21. Sugar! I was expecting the Orangemen to beat England like a gong!!! Oh well, no-one expects the Spanish Inquisition..... (I wonder who's beard gets singed on Sunday?)
  22. Pop Up traffic lights are always inappropriately phased, especially when they cater for a side road. In that case, it always seems that the side road gets twice as much opportunity for movement as the main road. One sequence I observed was: Main (up), Side, Main (down), Side. So if you were proceeding along the main and missed your phase, you had to wait for three phases rather than two. Oh yes, each phase was of equal length, even if the side road was not particularly busy... Have a nice day!
  23. In my local newsagent, all the model railway magazines are placed on the top shelf at the back of the shop. Its almost as if there's something unclean about them... Anyhow, they didn't have issue 305 in stock yesterday.
  24. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Would that be an AI bot? Can you imagine if they ganged up on us....
  25. The large object store (1:1 collection) behind Hornbys offices in Margate contains a Merseyrail 503 EMU that was originally "preserved" as a working unit and painted in its original LMS livery. After a while, it was "stored" in the open air and rotted through a lack of attention. At least it is currently in the dry, though I don't know if anything will be done to restore it. As of early 2024, two carriages are to be scrapped, the remaining one is to be kept for a "future project". Another example of criminal curatorial ineptitude? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/British_Rail_Class_503
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