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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. Eyes MOT'd, all good! (Not even any advisories!)
  2. If he's old enough....
  3. Listed as an energy drink, so not approved for sale to under-18s
  4. Sy Swithens/Swithuns Day weather update Yellow rain warning: https://www.bbc.co.uk/weather/articles/c6p2nq0x7p5o I suppose we should be glad it isn't yellow snow....
  5. I've found that if its stalling, cancel the request and go and look in another thread. Then return to ER and it'll proceed as planned. Of course, this isn't an option when posting a reply!
  6. The second one looks like a "proper" motorbike to me, not that I want or need one!
  7. Bu@@er! After two and a half years, treerats have found the birdfeeder! Now where did I put the Nerf gonne? 🤔
  8. Oh yes, You may remember that I mentioned that I had avoided buying any "parallel metal related objects" earlier? Pride cometh before a fall and all that.... I've just invested in stuff for a little layout* not unadjacent to a CJ Freezer Rabbit Warren scheme. Mea culpa. Mea Maxima Culpa!!! * I've already got O-16.5, its going to be smaller...
  9. ION This afternoon, I venture out to have my head eyes examined. I'll do some shopping too.
  10. It must be Devious Diesel! Poor CoBo hasn't a clue what's going to happen....
  11. Depends on how you define "The System". Hardware related? Forum Framework? RMweb code that uses the framework? Whatever it is, its something that occasionally baulks at serving 13227 pages of comment in a timely manner. It sometimes has no problem, sometimes displays the same page twice or temporarily loses a page, sometimes takes some time to accomplish the task, or just times out and displays the infamous error page. I wouldn't like to have the job of ferreting out the glitch!
  12. Billy Don't Be A Hero - Paper Lace
  13. Something with instructions in an impenetrative foreign language would be enough to put me off in the first place!
  14. Keep your head down, don't question, or you might get discouraged too.... 🫢
  15. See Bear, I told you it might get locked.... ( ❤️ = Friendly/supportive )
  16. I'm going to post in both places for the present*, just to cheer Bear up! ION Just got Yetis insurance update this morning. its actually 50 quid cheaper than last year, so I think I'll stick with the money-grabbing leeches** for the next 12 months! * Unless Mk2 gets locked. It got locked, before I duplicated the post.... :-( ** Who apparently have gone on a diet!
  17. 🎶 Millie put the kettle on, We'll all have tea! 🎶
  18. Old ER is freezing for me again... :-(
  19. Hasn't got a prayer....
  20. If this IS to be ER Mk2, then all memes and shibboleths must transfer too.. Muddle to dodge the Awl. ION Its still dry.... IOON If this turns out to be merely a second home, will the Council Tax bill be punitive? 🤔
  21. What a Brave Bear! 😁 We'll just have to see how things pan out. 🤔
  22. We'll see, we'll see.... Unless your breakaway movement gets locked instead...
  23. So. St Swithuns/Swithins day, bright sunshine, high of 20c, calm. Rain later... The 40 days of rain rule was apparently originally dependant on rain falling on his bridge in Winchester, similar to the old "white christmas" rule that a snowflake had to fall on the roof of the London Weather Centre on Christmas Day. The BBC weather app seems to be interested in predicting rain for most of the following two weeks....
  24. Well England lost. Never mind, they got to the final, perhaps they'll do better in, I suppose, 4 years time and use todays effort as a stepping stone to the world cup in 2 years time....
  25. They'll rest until half time and gab some more... Then, depending on the score, they're timetabled for further gab up to 22:40. Its an eternity.
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