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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. The first highlights on C4 that I've watched from start to finish* for a long time. I thought that McLaren made a bit of a ballsup over the team order thing and hope they can make peace between Norris and Piastri before the next race and don't behave so heavy handed again. It seems that now other teams seem to be getting their cars in order that Mr Bean doesn't relish the disturbance of the RB status quo and is reverting to his bullying petulant child persona. Its good to see Hamilton on the podium again, a pity that Russell couldn't get any closer. He might have pushed Mr Bean a place further back... * Only the racing, I avoid the talking heads that top and tail the action!
  2. Nice to see Mr Bean "racing" under his true colours once more and failing to profit. Can't he be stripped of any points for this race? He needs to be taught some humility.
  3. Do they have the white ears with the red edges?
  4. April 2005??? No wonder you're windy!
  5. Get Down - Gilbert O'Sullivan
  6. Dry, at present. Sunny, amazingly. Equally amazingly, a Royal Mail 24 package just got delivered. At 10.30am on a Sunday! I know it's now 11.30, but I've been testing it on parallel strips of metal...
  7. And as for his no-claims bonus, that went long ago!
  8. No seatbelts either... A hard right turn into the driveway and your waiting arm to round off the evening?🤔
  9. Someone will be for the chop over that, though the software development team might get slapped wrists for not sanitising updates when received. End of year bonuses may be 00.00 too....
  10. Rain promised at two didn't arrive until four, and was very light. Now at six, the sky has gone very dark and its tipping it down, warm and muggy. We may get the thundery spell promised for three... Methinks the weather gods have taken their eyes off the ball!
  11. @monkeysarefun We've two codes of pointy ball football, with handling, multiscore opportunities and no goalie already. I don't think we need another one, that appears to be officiated by ice cream men...
  12. Velocity Girl - Primal Scream
  13. Must be like watching England play football... More locally: Currently dry @ 22c, with rain due at 2pm, and thundery showers to follow, temps dropping to 15c.....
  14. Its now called a "CrowdStrike"...
  15. Melons? Did I just say that???🤔
  16. Googly Eyes! Whoever thought the smokebox door was a good placement for lamp brackets must have had a sense of humour!
  17. New Rose - The Damned* * Peel session version 🤪
  18. Lemon ✔️ Salted Caramel ❌
  19. Weather here is sunny, slightly cloudy and calm. Two baubles down on the thermometer. A while ago, @iL Dottore was waxing eloquent on the benefits of "sourdough" bread. Having given the stuff a try, I'd say that the reason you wouldn't want to eat as much of it as conventional bread is that its dense, coarse texture and uninteresting taste is a throwback to the British National Loaf. Back to a conventional wholemeal loaf for me!
  20. They don't want you to find out that its powered by a team of gerbils on a treadmill?
  21. Thats rather upbeat for the situation!
  22. @Barry O Happy Birthday! So is his pal, Bill Stickers!
  23. Someone released an untested server update? Or that perennial favourite, testing on live systems...
  24. Things Ain't What They Used To Be - Duke Ellington
  25. It was a bad move when the age was reduced to 18.... 🙃
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