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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. Today I decided to defrost the fridge. I should have done it ages ago, but procrastination intervened. So. After removing the contents and putting them in a subsidiary fridge (too small for everyday use), I had to turn off the power. As the socket is behind the fridge, I pulled it forward. All that was behind it was an elderly Tesco receipt from December 2021 when the fridge was installed when I moved into the house. The plug was to the left of the fridge, I could have turned it off without dragging it out. So switched off and pushed the fridge back in. So now the iceberg is slowly melting and the run off soaked up by old towels. I might be able to clean the interior and switch it back on by tomorrow evening*... Good, eh? 🤪🤪🤪 * It sounds a bit like Hoffnungs "Bricklayers Letter"...
  2. I suppose they leave in many boxes, or rolled up like carpet...
  3. Very nice! Were the Swiss family the Robinsons? 🤔
  4. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Taking it carefully... As the drive is to the rear axle, it probably runs, after a fashion... Looks like its been hung, drawn and quartered! That could be hobbit-forming... And at that price, I think I'd be looking for a Heljan 47xx instead! Interesting to see it has an HD/Peco Simplex coupling on the tender. It must be yay old...
  5. Those pain meds are doing wonders for your mind....
  6. Chelsea Morning - Joni Mitchell
  7. Touch Me In The Morning - Diana Ross
  8. Does it give you the chance to say "Sorry, I opened the wrong door..."?
  9. 3 or 4 Isettas to a conflat? Excellent parking!
  10. You can tell its been on the coke, look at its EYES!!! According to the article, its from coke lab effluvia or user piss. It might also be from sharks noshing on the cargo from abandoned cocaine subs.... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Narco-submarine
  11. Don't Stop The Carnival - The Alan Price Set
  12. Whats a range ball? 🤔 (I'm not a golfist)
  13. Why Does It Always Rain On Me - Travis
  14. He hasn't tried the rear wash button either...
  15. How many toads were there in the hole?
  16. Monday again, until its Friday and then its the weekend!
  17. Alone Again (Naturally) - Gilbert O'Sullivan
  18. I do like Skodas, good build quality and less expensive than an equivalent VW, despite using identical mechanical components. After the Fabia, I had an Octavia and then a Yeti, which is now over 12 years old and still ( fingers crossed ) going strong. Don't remember the model designation of Yeti, but it's the 4x4 2 litre 170hp diesel version, and averages high 40/low 50 MPG, which isn't too shabby.
  19. Its doing it again...
  20. For the next 11hours and 33 minutes.... ION Ears lowered, feeling lightheaded.
  21. On the Fabia it was something called the "Comfort Module" which seemed to deal with all the fancy addons. Of course this was the old Mk1 Fabia, introduced after VW took over and started updating the Skoda lineup.
  22. I had something similar with the windows* on a Skoda Fabia, turned out to be one of the car computer modules on the blink. Even then it cost a bit to have it fixed... * Not quite the same as a defenestrating wing mirror, but a window that kept resetting to fully down wasn't a good security feature!
  23. Dry, but grey and unpromising..... Time for a fight with a lawnmower/get my ears lowered/whatever you want to call it.....
  24. Citro(e)n Presse..... (and if I can find the cartoon..... Got it!)
  25. You know, I think that could all be Fake News and that its all an election ploy. (Other Fake News is available)
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