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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. Gary is probably trying to tell you something...
  2. Hroth

    EBay madness

    I bought on a few years ago to replace the motor of the one in the HD 2007 passenger set which probably needs remagnetising. Actually, I just swapped the bodies, so now I have a green one which works well, and a black one that couldn't pull the skin off a rice pudding...
  3. They're doing the speeches now...
  4. Just put it back on. The speecifying THE SPEECHIFYING!!!
  5. Hroth

    EBay madness

    An "ex runner"? 🤔 And I don't think those R1 locos are particularly scarce...
  6. Anyone watched the Olympics Opening "parade" and so forth? Watched a bit of it then gave up. I thought the London one was bad enough...
  7. Why not use it as a pie filling? 🤔
  8. Given the size of it, it would have to be printed in so many sections that it would be the equivalent of a highly complex Airfix kit... @monkeysarefun Assuming you printed it out as a kit of parts, what solvents/adhesives would be needed to glue it together?
  9. Its the Guardian, the recipe app will be completely veggi, and the shipwrecked family were probably hardcore vegan...
  10. Come On Eileen - Dexys Midnight Runners
  11. I must admit that on reflection, "tune" might have been an exaggeration even for the commercial version! Tuned* rods or little bells to make a random noise in either direction would be more likely... * Badly, I suspect, I had a toy piano that worked on a similar principle. It didn't last long, I disembowelled it to see how it worked.
  12. Me And My Shadow - Frank Sinatra & Sammy Davis jr
  13. I remember seeing the thing the little girl is holding, in mail order catalogues. As I recall the tin drum was covered in brightly coloured farm animals or something similar and when it was pushed about by the handle played a tune. Even at my young age, I couldn't see the point. The trike, however.....
  14. Nice stirring tune.....
  15. Performed some eyelid inspection while the towels were abluting, now they're hung out to dry. Time to think about the evening meal! Fridge is now back on line, and the little one turned off. Huge block of ice is still noticable, though half of what it was. I did say I procrastinated about defrosting... 🙃 10:30pm Iceblock all gone now!
  16. Hanging Around - The Stranglers
  17. @iL Dottore Tramadol? The Devils drug, as far as I'm concerned. I did my back in once and was prescribed the big T, nausea and incomprehension for several days until I stopped taking the stuff. No wonder your Vogon poetry was so spaced out... It might have been painkilling, but only because I was on a little fluffy cloud and daren't move in case I puked. Other stuff was prescribed, with less unpleasantless, and my back gradually calmed down.
  18. Strange Fruit - Billie Holiday
  19. As I said... Thanks for answering my question!
  20. Weather: Just becoming sunny, expected to remain so until cloudy at 3pm. High of 21C. To be expected in mid-July, I suppose... ION Just removed huge block of ice from fridge and left it to melt on the draining board. Cleaned the interior of the fridge, I'll pull it out again and mop the floor before putting it back on and putting the towels in the washing machine for a quickie wash. Hurrah!
  21. Didn't see this earlier... As the bloke said, the 170hp 2l diesel 4x4 Yeti was near perfection. I didn't realise it was the same powerplant as in the Octavia VRS, but that does explain the Yetis rocketship performance. Provided the cambelt is changed as required and the car regularly serviced, the engine is thoroughly (fingers crossed) reliable. And compared with the petrol engine in the review above, does high 40s/low 50s miles per gallon even nigh on 14 years old. Of course, thrashing it about will drop it to 30-40 mpg but who would do that? 🤔
  22. Notice the dip in the front bumper, thats to allow the insertion of the starting handle in case the battery goes pearshaped in the winter! Not that I'd like to crank over the straight six if it didn't want to go....
  23. If global warming turns off the gulf stream, there'll be ice floes in the Irish Sea in winter... The ferries will have to be fitted with reinforced bows!
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