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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. At least its not a dreadful Hartebeest....
  2. Liked the Allmand, its unusual to see a Regal in these small consorts.
  3. As far as Kent is concerned, Wrexham is "near" Liverpool, and the date feels right, so it probably was the same one.
  4. Her parents and the friend who attended every day of the trial have similar beliefs.
  5. The only earthquake I've experienced was one that had its epicentre somewhere near Wrexham. The effect was of a strong Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...... for several seconds but nothing fell over, or off. Just a bit unusual!
  6. I see that MurderNurse has had the gall to appeal her convictions.
  7. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Now thats PROPER influencing!
  8. All he has to do next, is work on an authentic Scouse vocabulary!
  9. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Hoping for some free "product"? Thats what most Internet Influencers seem to want.... Unlike us rmweb influencers, who just wish for less madness!
  10. Considering how many the GWR/WR built over the years, you can NEVER have too many!!!
  11. I think there's still a bottle of "Liquid Gumption" knocking about the back of the garage...
  12. They don't have to learn all the reigns from 1066 in History at school any more. Mind you, I can't remember them off hand nowadays, though "Victorian" did set bells off when I saw the report. But its not just the BBC. Their fault was not fact checking their source.
  13. The HD 20 is a lovely model, though the underframe detail is very impressionistic. Mine is 3-Rail, and runs very smoothly.
  14. Oooohhhhh!!!!!! LOTS of matchboxes!!! Don't take offence, I like them... As for car fuel, I don't keep an eye on petrol prices, but the least expensive* diesel is at £1.51.9/litre around here. * I'd not call it the cheapest because it isn't cheap...
  15. But would he be able to buy any LDC to fit into its meagre cargo hold?
  16. Its a bit "late life crisis", isn't it? If I could afford a leccy MG, I'd go for the MG4, even that is several multiples of £9k for a cheaper one. I wouldn't have that grotesque Trump-colour that's advertised on the telly, the grey is more restrained and doesn't stick out like a sore thumb...
  17. Or Else... You can just imagine the serried rows of Airfix Saturn Vs converted into olive drab painted ICBMs rumbling past the podium... ..................................... I spent this afternoon delving into the garage, finding boxes of books that I had completely forgotten about.The garage must be pretty damp free* as the books are all in good condition, so I'm going to leave them there, just repackaging the ones I didn't bring into the house into lidded polythene boxes, which will reside under "baseboards", ahem!, once the mounds of empty cardboard boxes have been taken to the tip! Now thinking about what to have for tea.... * It's on the south side of the house and the sun beats down on the long side, its quite warm inside, even on sunny winter days!
  18. And mugs to Mugs.... Don't think this is the genuine Trump merchandise he was selling, but it'll do!
  19. Or a hanky and set of bells.... Perhaps they couldn't stop the squeezebox player from starting up the sort of folksong that begins "As I walked out one fine May morning..."
  20. Oddly proportioned, but Triang made it worse...
  21. Obviously they came in for a widdle, then found that all the bar had was gassy bitter and lagers....
  22. You have to remember that the Triang "08" was designed to accept their 0-6-0 clockwork chassis too, which is why its oddly proportioned. Their saddle tank loco (R.151) of the same era was similarly endowd with inelegant proportions for the same reason. At least they had the sense to drop the saddle tank, I don't know why they carried on with the 08 when they had the Hornby 08 to play with. I must say that I was surprised at you "liking" the HD Metrovick, as it has many of the same faults as the HD "Deltic". The attempt at the Metrovick was genuinely a box on rails and the underframe detail (ha!) was appalling. Oh yes, and the Triang 31.... I've nothing against the appearance, and the motor bogie has decent pulling power, but its fake centre wheelset is as bad as the flangeless wheels that Hornby supply on their current Pacific pony trucks. The funny thing is, the Airfix version of the 31 also has a fake center wheelset on the power bogie too...
  23. "Wading in tidal mudflats feeling" might be a bit better, though the smell can be similar...
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