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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. At least its not a Human Centipede... If you don't know, don't google it, definitely NSFW!
  2. Looks similar to a chicken droppings digester for the same purpose!
  3. OTOH I went to bed rather early last night and woke at about 3.30am. Then I spent an hour reading, then recomposed myself and was woken by the alarm at 7am as usual... A busy morn compacting cardboard boxen from the garage and two washes to hang in the breezy sun. Might take things easy this afternoon!
  4. What concerns me are the quantity of what are known in certain circles as "burner" phones. I'm sure that there is an innocent explaination... Nice Pannier!
  5. To surprise me, Hornby would have to release some transition era diesel liveries... Say, the 08 and the 37.
  6. And if you did it early enough, you might not get back to your "present" because the technology you used to go so far back might not have been invented yet....
  7. Or those tartan things that you could buy to hang over the rear wheel of a bicycle!
  8. Tell us if you catch it! 🤪
  9. Isn't it a public duty to run over cane toads?
  10. Hroth

    EBay madness

    A fiver cheaper than the ebay placeholder battery but "Stock Status: ***Out of Stock*** ", which was what it was the previous time I was looking to see if 126 batteries were still available. The interesting thing about the ebay battery is that its a "battery holder" for 3 C type cells, which might be more appropriate for running a Triang train set! At those prices, I'd be inclined to get some C battery holders and make my own replacement 126 style batteries...
  11. Hroth

    EBay madness

    It could be part of a genuine scrapyard scene, with blokes working it over with their gas axes....
  12. I actually watched the race highlights on C4 this afternoon. Provided you ignored Mr Bean smugly touring around in front*, it was an interesting race, full of drama, overtaking and incident. Are we seeing the advent of the most ignored F1 champion ever? * Even from the start, it was elbows out and a drag race away from the rest of the field. No driver skill required, just an uncannily efficient car. Perhaps its the Dorian Grey effect, and Perez has the DG car....
  13. You should have done the airport pickup thing and wandered around with a card with "Fatso" written on it...
  14. Back to the RB dominated snoozefest, eh?
  15. The current BG Nagmeter is powered through a "standard" USB cable and a PSU with a USB socket, so is easily replaced. If your device has a different supply option, then the 'stards must have taken on the myriad complaints about faulty cables. I bet that cable is tethered to the wallwart PSU* too... So long as this isn't egg-sucking territory, if its a pre-USB Nagmeter, you'd have to look at the PSU to see what the voltage/current output is, and the back of the device to check the polarity of the input plug. The dimensions of the plug itself can be measured, then the bay of e's is possibly your friend... * I daren't believe that they could be so cruel to have the Nagmeter hard wired to the PSU...
  16. Tommy Steele? No-one deserved him. We didn't deserve Lonnie Donnigan either! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lonnie_Donegan (I'll drop the bomb film when I boot the proper computer, ruddy tablets...)
  17. Minute by minute, from now until mid-December, the nights get longer, and colder , and wetter... Time to hibernate!
  18. I've spent a lifetime getting away from 1957...
  19. Bring back the old Today on R4 with Naughtie and Humphrys....
  20. They thought they could sweep it under the carpet and didn't realise that couldn't be done with water...
  21. Only because they've never seen themselves waddling along in a mirror!
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