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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. Oh No!!! Its the Grand Vizier.....
  2. Logical! Car = Garage.....
  3. According to the BBC news, an NT spokesperson hopes that the stump will "coppice", but it won't ever be the same. What they should do is use the wood from the felled trunk to make things to sell in NT shops; egg cups, light pulls, fruit bowels, whatever, as commemorative bits and bobs!
  4. Musst admit I'm not enchanted with some of the innovations that have appeared with the latest Thunderbird iterations, particularly the change from a text button to "Download New Messages" to a little icon that looks like a brain, but I suspect is meant to be a little cloud with a down arrow emerging from it. One wonders what the developers have been taking...
  5. You're all being very naughty boys and girls!
  6. The section of the wall where the sycamore was located, and the tree itself is the property of the National Trust. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sycamore_Gap_Tree I think its fair to characterise the trees destruction as an act of cultural vandalism.
  7. Like @DaveF I considered a number of ways to describe the idiots that would be impolite to repeat here. I also thought of many ways to inflict retribution upon the b@stards if they were ever caught and settled upon taking their chainsaw across their knees as suitable punishment. I "did" Hadrians wall on a holiday some years ago. At least I've got some good snaps of The Sycamore Gap to remind me of it. I'd put one up, but I can't find them on this PC...
  8. Should be interesting next season if other teams get their acts together and start outperforming RB. Will Mr Bean return to his ramming tactics when others can overtake him?
  9. I'd say that he's a fine example of "Your Brain On Buckfast". Not a pretty sight.....
  10. Hroth

    EBay madness

    I'd have thought that the TTCA would be looking for the vendor of the metallic-painted monstrosities!
  11. Hroth

    EBay madness

    TT3 to be precise! 🤪 Too much work as far as I'm concerned, but if I were to enter the fray the bodies would promptly dunked in a suitable paintstripper, followed perhaps by a repaint and new transfers...
  12. I've only actively moved once, a downsizing exercise coming up on two years ago. There are still boxes to unpack*, and I may be able to use the dining room as intended by Christmas.... * Garage, etc. Year 0 was disorganised by Covid and ensuing health problems. This year has been slow, getting a quart into a pint pot...
  13. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Always a worry when the nameplate is almost as big as the loco! You can almost imagine an aggrieved Princess Coronation coming up behind it and tapping the 3F on the shoulder.... OI!
  14. Storm whatshername was pretty much a non-event here, despite my location being pretty coastal near Liverpool. A bit of rain in the early afternoon, accompanied by a brief period of gusty wind. It all cleared up into early evening sunshine, the seaweed and pinecone mongers are expecting a mostly sunny day today, with light breezes. I don't know why I'm complaining, I hope everyone else was affected as little as I was! Hey ho... Anyway, I'm now feeling autumnal and bread'n'butter puddingish...
  15. I believe that "Laughing Gnome" was referred to as Bowies "Anthony Newley" period...
  16. What version of Thunderbird are you using? I'm currently on 115.3.0 and it looks nothing like your screenshot!
  17. My R30048TXS (Ballymoss) finally arrived this morning. It sounds very nice!
  18. Obvious once explained, but initially it whooshed over my head too!
  19. Scary indeed, but the keeper probably shouldn't have been in a live enclosure or trying to break up a fight between two hippos in the first place. And its the Daily Mail reporting it...
  20. As my second TXS fitted loco (R30048TXS) arrived this morning, I connected the DCC controller to the test track and gave Charles 3* and Ballymoss a run up. Both sound fine! I suppose I should have dug out a TTS fitted 37 to do a comparison test, but there you go. Both do very good impressions of cold starts, with laboured heavings for as long as you like, though I do miss the clouds of black and white smoke with occasional gouts of flame... * Re Charles 3 and GSTK. The music is fairly faint, as if the band is further down the platform. Once I get around to sorting out the BT link** I may transfer the standard Class 66 sounds to remove the chance of inadvertent toggling! ** As TXS appears to run well enough under DCC, and I often run wirelessly using Engine Driver and the wireless module for my DCC controller, this may well be a considerable time in the future.
  21. @BSW01 Its a bit of a throwaway line, but as I understand the process... The Titanic. Specified by entrepreneurs. Designed by naval architects Costed by accountants (Cheapest rivets and steel!) Built by the working class Used by rich and poor alike Sunk by professionals steaming the ship at full speed into a known icefield. I'd be inclined to blame 1 and 2 for designing a ship with lowered bulkheads so the 1st class didn't have to pass through watertight doors, 3 for choosing the cheapest materials for the hull and 6 for not having any sense at all. The actual builders (4) did the best they could with the materials they were given.
  22. But if you keep it because it might come in useful, you store it away for safety somewhere, like the garage, and sometime later..... Its garage clearing time again! What everyone needs is a shed, dedicated to storing possibly useful items. The size of such a shed is left as an exercise for the reader. JRR Tolkien had the concept nailed, such things, called "mathoms", were kept in a "mathom house", indicating how big the storage shed might have to be... 🤔
  23. I don't know. Serving your meal on a discarded roofing slate is pretty shabby too. You'd think they could get in some cheap plates from the market...
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