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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. The wheels on the bus Come off the back All day long!
  2. Whats he/she* been drinking, their web spinning skills seem to be a little erratic! The "waving" is probably indicative too... * Hope its not one of Shelobs spawn, you might one day find yourself spun into a cocoon, for later attention...
  3. There was an article on the BBC website over the weekend about a new version of Haricot beans having been developed to allow the indigenous production of baked beans in the UK, from field to toast! https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-lincolnshire-66966056 As they used to chant: Beans, Beans Good for the heart The more you eat The more you fart!
  4. How about calling it "mindless revenge vandalism"? Various fingers are obviously being pointed at locals who might be supposed to be stupid enough to have a go at the tree for various reasons. I'd like suitable punishment to be meted out to the criminals who cut the tree down, but after letting off some steam over this disgraceful act, I for one am going to wait for someone to be charged and found guilty before bemoaning any punishment as inadequate. Deep breath annnnnd relax...
  5. Obviously can't spel, the "c" at the end of top line should be an "x"...
  6. Hroth

    EBay madness

    There was an article in Railway Modeller yonks ago, describing such a conversion, mainly involving bits of balsa and some black paint. Ideal for ebay!
  7. I thought it might be something unpleasant trickling out of the building...
  8. I've been interested and thought provoked, and as far as I'm concerned its STILL no excuse. Slap some white paint around their kneecaps and*.... One wonders what the pair of them got up** to for sacking/eviction to be a penalty. * Further actions left up to the readers imagination. ** And if they were so aggrieved, would there be legal remedies they could have taken, or didn't they think that far ahead?
  9. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Don't see why not, 50p to you, then £70+post to some punter who think its cool...
  10. No problemo! Its them and their customers who'll have to see me, I'm not bothered....
  11. The EMU looks just like the Triang R.450... Apart from several minor details... 🤪
  12. If rumour is correct as mentioned above, its not so much about feeling better about his NT grudge, more that he thinks he has scored a point against them and everyone else who values such things. Not that a "grudge" is any sort of explaination or an excuse for his actions. If anything, I'd feel that a harsher punishment would be merited.
  13. Hroth

    EBay madness

    Its a Lima Gronk with a pint of dirty paint brush washings wiped over it... Seventy quid plus postage is criminally steep for one of those.
  14. In the dark, all rabbits are grey... (p&apftfotm)
  15. Hroth

    EBay madness

    A "Night Ferry" headboard, eh? Pullman cars were heavy, Wagon Lits cars were heavier - I don't see an L1 being able to move the "Night Ferry" at more than an asthmatic jog! If it had been a Schools class, it might have been different... Anyhow, the "Night Ferry" was probably the preserve of the Class 71 electrics by the time any L1 got lined black with a late crest.
  16. Now, that's PROPER public transport. Even in the rain! You know, I'd hate to think that anyone could patent a young offender... 🤪
  17. Cats are ok as a concept, and we had several family cats when I was young, including a pair of Siamese cats, one of which insisted on climbing curtains and the other trying to curl up on my fathers head like a turban. He was bald so I suppose the top of his head was reasonably warm... Otherwise, I've always preferred dogs, our labrador was a partner in crime when it came to getting at the biscuit tin! I think the whole point of my suggestion that a JR brain be placed in a cat was to remove the catness. Putting a cat brain in a dog would probably result in producing the sort of creature who's behaviour would be such that governments would make the "breed" illegal...
  18. There's the spare Mulberry Harbour cassions too, though they survive because they were more substantially built than barges... https://www.portlandhistory.co.uk/mulberry-harbour-phoenix-caissons.html
  19. I s'pose you could use a female JR brain to get around that...
  20. If they offer a full service, perhaps they might transplant a Jack Russell brain into a cat. Same desire to kill mice and rats, but trainable and less likely to leave the victims in your shoes overnight...
  21. Reminds me of the time the gang demonstrated a V8 powered blender on Top Gear...
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