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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. I've just had to clean tea off my tablet screen....
  2. Hroth

    EBay madness

    It's nice that the picture of the loco on the infocard doesn't match the loco actually in the box... Actually it looks like one of those whitemetal kits of UK locos, designed to fit on a US outline chassis. I had a GWR gas turbine bodykit for one such conversion.
  3. Oops...... Who'd have expected that?
  4. He always wore a peaked cap... The figures were also "Action Man" sized, so some work would be needed to reduce them to 7mm, let alone 4mm scale! Just googled it, the General Jumbo stories appeared in the Beano. All a bit fanciful! 🙂
  5. If its got a black telephoto it's a Nikon, if its got a white telephoto it's a Canon. No need to pay product placement advertising fees for either! However, I bet the set dressers would paint the Canon lens barrels black, just because.... 🤪
  6. Why do they over-hyphenate "Do-it-yourself System"?🤔 🤪
  7. When I see Mazdas, I always think of lightbulbs...
  8. Probably servants and harlots, lots of appetites to satisfy...
  9. All this mashed potato, mixed with binders and battered/breaded before being fried/grilled reminds me of the indeterminate fishcakes we used to get at school. I say indeterminate because though they tasted fishy, there was never any description of the actual fish used to flavour them...
  10. Can't have that, figures in yards are there to indicate where the uncoupling magnets are!
  11. I got a number of Heljan 4mm scale DPUs in varying liveries when Hattons were selling off the first issue at about £60 a throw. Excellent mechanisms, though a bit odd to see them at the head of a 10 coach express. They certainly can shift... (Sorry for bringing up explicit choo-choo stuff...)
  12. The Aussie habit of making elections a fun thing to attend reminds me of 18th century England... (Hogarth; An election entertainment, 1755) Vote for meeeeeee.....
  13. Hroth

    EBay madness

    £1234.00? It could have been listed at £1234.56 🤪 Something is off, the individual prices are "almost reasonable", especially if you are local and can collect. There's a second collection at the same price point, with individually priced items https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/225746445812 which suggests that its an eyecatching ploy, inviting the browser to pick and mix. Not being an ebay seller, i don't know the mechanics of ebay listings, but might it be an infinite listing that never gets terminated because no one would be mad enough to pay the asking price for the whole lot and as items get sold more are appended?
  14. I believe the Qatar "sprint race" has just settled the F1 championship. With the USA, Mexican, Brazilian, Las Vegas and Abu Dhabi GPs to go. Yawn.....
  15. Its standard industrial colour coding: Brown is "Stores", White is "Technical". Moving electronic equipment is technical. I think... 🤔 Our school had several large colour televisions on head-high rolling stands that were moved around by the lab technicians from the Physics department, who naturally wore white coats. But good old Dixon got gunned down by a spiv, played by Dirk Bogard in a film* and had to be resurrected on the telly. Movie goers didn't believe in that sort of jiggery-pokery back then! * The Blue Lamp (1950)
  16. FIVE slices? So thats where I've been going wrong, years ago I standardised on FOUR...
  17. He won his game of pocket billiards...
  18. But he does say that he's lost some pounds, which is to be applauded....
  19. I was trying to be subtle... North/South depends on where you are. Liverpools right to be "North" depends on the fact that its in the south of "North West" England. Its equally irritating that the inhabitants east of the Pennines keep trying to drop their "North East" appellation and seize the whole "Northern" label to themselves! To Scotland, we're all Southern pansies..... Heh ho - time for tea...
  20. Thats Welsh Miles for you..... Its a tossup. A55, speed cameras tuned to English numberplates. B roads, probably a high percentage at the new 20mph standard. The ones just as fast as the other!
  21. On those grounds, then we'd all better apply some preventative tape to mouth and hands to ensure we don't upset anyone...
  22. Surely that's ok when its wrapped around a young lady? I remember the unwrapping was even better...
  23. I don't think you'll encounter any of Mr Kiplings French Fancies...
  24. Bring me the head of! Oh, never mind...
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