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Everything posted by Hroth

  1. That's a seriously good way of transporting refreshments about a layout!
  2. As they used to say, "Where the bugs wear clogs"...
  3. Hmmmmmm...... In "Modern Image" the same effect could be achieved with a similar formation and an InterCity 125 power car! Yep, silly. 🤪
  4. Lets murder a traditional Country House mystery! Oops....
  5. Ohhhhh a Herald. The sort of car my garage was designed to accommodate, and narrow enough to allow you to open the doors and get out of the vehicle! With modern cars, you can drive in or drive out, they're too wide to get out of...
  6. My parents had a top loader with a built in mangle and a drop-in tray so it could be used as a dishwasher...
  7. The flying rats will sign a pact with the tree rats, seeking revenge....
  8. On the other hand, it might possibly attract them, with their sweaty anoraks and bulging rucsacks, aching to put mine host right about his woeful pub sign. They'd empty the place in minutes and spend several hours nursing half a pint of the publicans cheapest lager. Rather than go bust, the sign would be changed as quickly as possible, if only to remove name and number...
  9. I know an old lady who swallowed a horse. She's dead? Of course!
  10. The Emerald Cockroach Wasp (Jewel Wasp) also has a curious use for cockroaches.... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emerald_cockroach_wasp Their larva seem to find the cockroach very tasty....
  11. Hey ho, a late start due to the dark, wet and windy morn. Think I'll have some autumnal porridge for brekkie. No, NOT Ready Brek!!! (Another of their famous radioactive children adverts...)
  12. Here you go... https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-england-dorset-67083985 Can't embed the media, but the link to the BBC page works.
  13. Thank you for sharing this... 🤑 Next, China will be exporting roach-based confectionary, such as "Crunchy Cockroach Cluster enrobed in dark chocolate"...
  14. Looks like a Lego minifig...
  15. Hroth

    EBay madness

    But are they mendacious enough??? 🤔
  16. Reminds me of the scene at the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark...
  17. I believe that it may have been a faulty DPF (Diesel Particulate Filter) overheating whilst regenerating.
  18. The inmates must be on their best behaviour today.... 😁 Keep it up, chaps!!!
  19. This is what I did. Clamp the baseboards together with the tops aligned. Drill pilot holes (3mm would do) through the frames for correct alignment of the dowels. Drill out the pilot holes using a diameter thats a smidgeon under that of the dowel bodies. Press/glue the dowels into place. Before doing it with your baseboards, have a trial run or two with scrap plywood. Worked ok for me. How are you going to hold the baseboards together when running trains?
  20. Many comedians of the "golden years" had several sets of material. One suitable for broadcasting on the BBC, one for performance on the stage, and one for drinking clubs, etc. Their broadcast and stage acts were policed by censors, who had teeth. Each set would get progressively more "profane" and all we have of them nowadays is the BBC and some stage material that might have been recorded for ITV.
  21. Going t'other way, Pepper Pig got criticised* in Australia for an episode with a friendly spider.... One of the things that you don't see in Modern Britain are the Tom and Jerry cartoons. Admittedly the violence (frying pans to the head, etc), racist themes and so on would be difficult to get past the schedulers, even with "trigger" warnings. But Bugs Bunny, Wyle E Coyote and Roadrunner and other former staples are conspicuous by their absence too. There have been toned down "lite" versions produced in recent years, but the animation styles and stories are cr@p. It'd be nice to see the originals as late night specials on BBC Four... * The episode was probably dropped...
  22. Its like a disturbed ants nest!
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